Untitled Part 2

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"Celeste, what were you thinking?" Your mother paces in front of you, as you played with a string that has come loose in the comforter on the bed. Mother was in the midst of dressing for what looked to be a fancy meeting. Her hair was in an elegant twist and next to you in the bed was a black cocktail dress.

"We just wanted to explore a bit, mom!" You offer as an excuse, curiosity is a big part of a cat's nature maybe mom would accept that. "It's not like we planned on running into those mutts."

"That is enough of that!" Mother stops pacing one hand goes to her hip the other is pointing her finger at you, Star your mother was a beauty you thought looking up at her. "You will watch that tongue of yours, the wolves are not as bad as everyone says." Your mom never did like you making fun of wolves. "You are here to learn this. The people you will meet tomorrow, you will have to work with them and walking in there calling them mutts, bloodsuckers and old crones isn't going to make you any friends." Geez, mom, I'm not going to call them that to their faces! You roll your eyes which causes your mother to let out an exasperated sigh. She moves forward picking up her dress slipping it on.

"Come zip me up." Mom moves to stand in front of the long mirror. "So tell me about this Alpha you met." You lock eyes with your mother in the mirror.

"He was pushy and annoying." You shrug the fact that you can't get those green eyes out of your mind was super annoy too.

"Well Alpha's tend to be that way, you'll get used to it. They are used to everyone doing as they wish, at times you will find them stubborn but patience and keeping a level head are all that is needed." Mom moves over to the nightstand putting on earrings. "Was it you that scratched him?" Gail is such a rat! Mom didn't need to know about that.

"No, it was Dania." Mom was now clasping her necklace, "It wasn't her fault this dog," mom's eyebrows raise, "Ah guy kept talking to me, he wouldn't leave me alone really. Well, he brushed my hair back from my ear because I was trying to pretend I couldn't hear him and anywho Dania didn't like him touching me." Mom nodded moving to slip on her heels.

"I guess the idea of switching seats never entered your mind?" Actually, it hadn't, but even when your mom mentioned it you moving would have felt like they won, you were there first. "Sometime it's better to retreat, Cel. Starting a war that could cost lives all because you're not willing to allow your pride to take a hit."

"He wasn't going to file a complaint, we didn't start a war." You pointed out

"But he could have, Celeste if they had demanded Dania was to pay for this transgression you know there is not much I could do to defend her. All three of you played a very dangerous game today and the worse part." Mom moves to stand in front of you placing her hand on your cheek, "I don't even think you realize it." She stands there her hand on your cheek as guilt builds in your stomach "But this is my fault, I should have realized he would find you. I should have brought you earlier. I just wasn't willing to share you yet." Mom looked really sad before she glanced at her watch, "Geez look at the time, I'm going to be late! How do I look?"

"Beautiful, what's this meeting about anyways and why aren't I going if I'm meant to learn. It wasn't on your schedule either."

"Well thanks to you and your friends, I now have to do some damage control." She looked at me for a moment as if debating to tell me something. "I can't do this right now but tomorrow we will have a talk." With that mom is out the door and you go back to your room.

I'm not ready to share you........share you with who? You look out your window trying to figure out your mother's cryptic words. You see mom leaving the building, she's walking up to a black shiny car looking like a million bucks, you smile proudly but you smile faulted when you see who is waiting for her by the car. Was that? You push your face against the window, it was! It's the Alpha from the movie theater, what in the bloody hell? You watch the Alpha take you mother hands in both his he spoke to her looking sad and you watch your mother also replying with a similar sad look, god you wish you could hear what they were saying. Then he releases her hand opening the door for her mother, as she gets in you realize something is missing. Where are mother's guards? Why was she getting into the alpha's car alone? As if feeling your watchful eyes the dog looks up at your window as he closed your mother's door. He bows his head to you before moving around getting in the other side. As the car pulls away you are on the move.

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