Untitled Part 4

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So if you thought seating on the dog side of the table would be your biggest problem that night you were sorely mistaken.

"Why shouldn't it happen now?" Simon said aggressively. "Richard agreed to the marriage and frankly we don't need your permission, Annabelle," You see your mother's eyes flash as the Alpha pushes the marriage topic. In fact, that seemed to be the only topic being discussed, thanks to the pushy Alpha whenever anyone tried to switch subjects somehow he would bring it back around to the marriage, he was literally a dog with a bone.

"Richard agreed when she is 21, she is 17!" Yes, you go mom!

"I agree with Annabelle, what is four years? Nothing!" Leo said smiling at you, "She young let her live a bit before she's tied down in an arranged marriage." Leo gives you another wink. "Let her have some fun."

"Fun? I will not have my future mate out whoring around if that's what you're implying she should do Leopold." Simon spat out, your month full open

"Did he just call me a whore!" Your nails dig into the table.

"No, he more implied it, sweetling." Leo smirk at you. "Like your some angel Simon. I just think she should at least get a chance to have a true honest relationship before being saddled with you for the rest of her days." With that Simon is on his feet growling. Nora is up too and releases this hissing noise that made your skin crawl.

"Maybe everyone should take a deep breath." Old Ruth said the sound of her cane thump thumped again on the floor. Leo smirking takes his sister's hand pulling her into her chair and you feel Simon's eye on you but you start at your mother, silently pleading with her to get you the hell out of here.

"There is another matter to discuss," Harrison said next to you. "Annabelle, the pack would like to meet her and of course acting Luna Samantha is most anxious to meet her. From what I understand she knows little to nothing about her own people."

"From my understand she only found out last night she's half-wolf, and the poor thing didn't take it well, up on the roof crying," Leo said with a mocking sympathy.

"I wasn't crying." You give him a dirty look, this Leo he was nothing but trouble.

"Oh sweetling it's ok to cry when you find out you are destined to well that." He gestured to Simon. Lord knows I'd cry too." Leo said causing Nora's laughter to fill the room as Simon's fist came down on the table so hard it makes the water in your glass jump.

"I've had just about enough of you for one evening." Simon snarled at Leo.

"I agree that's enough, Alpha Brandon said, "Annabelle I have to agree with Beta Harrison. The girl needs to learn about her pack."

"Perhaps a vote," Tempest said looking around, "Those that favor of Lady Celeste traveling north to meet her pack." All three witches, all Alpha's and Beta's raise their hands except Simon and his Beta. Eight to six, you look at mom in horror.

"There's one problem down." Tempest smiles happily.

"What about the marriage?" Simon demanded

"Over my dead body is my 17 being forced to marry." Mother growled, Simon better be careful mom looked like she was ready to jump over the table at him.

"I can arrange that!" Simon said but he was not expecting that reaction he got. Threatening your mother was the last straw. You snarl taking a swipe at Simon. If Harrison hadn't grabbed you when he did you would have gotten Simon too.

"You can call me whore, you can try to claim me like a piece of meat but I will not have you threaten my mother," You snarled and hissed at him, you lunging one more time again trying to get at him but Harrison had a good hold on you.

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