Untitled Part 3

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You hardly slept a wink that night and now you were supposed to get ready to meet the council and you look like complete crap, but at least you looked better than your mother, who was nursing a hangover.

"Cel!" There's a light knock on the door, mom walks in as you are going through your bag trying to figure out what to wear. You had spent far too long on makeup, normally you don't wear the stuff so it takes you forever. Kammy is a pro she can do all her makeup in ten minutes, you have watched her put eyeliner on a moving bumping bus before, a task that boggles your mind. You can barely get your hand to stop shaking when you try to apply the stuff, you're pretty sure one day you're going to poke yourself in the eye with it.

"Yeah, mom?" You are still kinda pissed with your mom, really what's up with all the lies? Then to drunkenly lay all that on you......definitely goes into the mom fail category.

"Come sit with me, about last night." God mom looks tired, "I am so sorry you found out that way. I blame the alcohol, the clan's Alpha's and Beta's took me for dinner and drinks. It is a tradition for the clans to offer condolences to a fallen Alpha's Luna. Mostly to ensure her that her offspring will not be challenged really. You must have so many questions." Mom reaches forward taking your hand. You thought about pulling your hand away but you could bring yourself to hurt your mother like that.

"Why didn't you tell me I was half wolf and that you were married?" This is something a daughter should know. It also made you very nervous what would this means for when you start being able to shift? A little known fact about were's most don't start being able to shift until they are fully mature. It has something to do with bone growth. Kammy and Dania had already started but so far you haven't and mom just said you were a late bloomer but what if your some sort of mutant freak that will never be able to shift? What if you do shift and you half puma, like your mother, and half wolf! Oh god, you would be hideous!

"It's such a long story but I tried for weeks to tell you about your father passing but I knew the news of who your father was and the fact that you are in an arranged marriage would only make you angry. Also, I was worried about what you would think of me. In my angry not only did I deny Richard the chance to know you but also you the chance to know him. It is my biggest regret and the guilt of it has been eating away at me." Mom was crying now and it was not a sight you're used too. Somehow it made you both sad and scared at the same time. "Celeste one day I will ask your forgiveness for the wrong I have inflicted on you by keeping you and your father apart," you were about to tell your mother that on the whole not knowing your father part of this isn't what is throwing you for a loop. The father being a wolf part now that is a frickin' trip, a trip down a flight of stairs. The arranged marriage that was a trip down the stair with rusty nail jabbing you ever step on the way down.

"Mom I get it, the father part but you aren't really not going to make me marry that guy right?" Like what the hell! I'm seventeen and well let's face it he's kinda a jerk. Well, he didn't turn in Dania so he's not 100% a jerk but he's definitely in the high 80th percentile.

"I don't have that much of a say in the matter, Cel. The council will make you honor the contract. Simon took over his father's pack this year and he's very eager to prove himself. If only I would have had a son. You would have been free of this." When you were 7 your mother had been pregnant, you remember how excited you had been to have a brother or sister, though you secretly hoped for a sister. One night a group of eight vampires illegally crossed into our territory. Mom, of course, led the party to remove them. That was the night Kammy lost her mother and your mother lost her baby.

"Mom I'm not going to do it!" That's it, I'll go right in there and tell the council they can shove that marriage where the sun doesn't shine.

"It's not that simple Cel, you can't just say no and not expect repercussion. This would break the treaty, for your people this would mean war, death. I wasn't thrilled when I found out about my own engagement but in time Richard and I learned to care for one another and space really helped, we could see each other than return to our territory, a similar relationship can be arranged for you and Simon. Though you will have to spend some time with your father's pack. They, of course, are anxious to meet you, especially your grandmother. She fulfilled my duty as Luna for me allowing me to focus on our clan." What! Grandmother! Wolf pack!

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