Untitled Part 6

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Mom was pissed!

You walk into the hotel room and she pounces on you, "How did it go Cel? Tell me everything that happened." Then she saw the bruise on your forearm. "Did he hurt you?" She snarled taking your arm in her hand, examining the darkening area. Next thing you know she was spinning you around checking the rest of your body for damage. You didn't even get a chance to say a word before she was on her phone. It only took you a few moments to realize she was on with Harrison, demanding to know what happened.

"You were supposed to be there to protect her." Mom hissed into her receiver, "No I will not calm down!" Poor Harrison clearly hasn't ever fought with your mom before. Never once has telling her to calm down actually resulted in her calming in the slightest, in fact, it only made her angrier. "I sent you along to chaperone and my daughter returns with a bruise on her arm. What did he do to her?" Mom falls silent as she paces the floor. "Did you not think about intervening?"

"I don't want your excuses, Harry, I want you to keep my daughter safe!" Mom yelled into the phone, you were slowly starting to make your way to your room, mom was furious and you didn't want to be the next one to gets it. When there was a knock at the door, you freeze, somehow you just knew it was that stupid jerk, Simon. "This isn't over Harry!" Mom hangs up the phone, stomping over to the door.

"Mom why don't I get the door...." but mom doesn't even stop to look at you. She swings the door open and there's a sad-looking puppy standing there, a fist full of flowers in his hand. The saddest look plastered on his face, but that doesn't last long though. You swear you see fear when mom starts laying into him, the sad puppy was now finding out why mom was the Queen. She was positively furious when she wanted to be.

"YOU! You think you can hurt my child?!" Simon takes a step back as mom pokes him in the chest with her finger. "I trusted you and she is returned damaged!" Simon was sputtering incoherently unable to even get a sentence out.

"She.....she was talking......" Simon starts saying but mom cuts him off. Just a word of advice people: never interrupt mom, you have to let her get it out, then you make your case.

"She can speak to whomever she wishes! From what Harrison told me you weren't behaving any better at the ticket booth. I know my daughter well enough that your stupid actions would make her want revenge." Yeah, you tell him, mom You wanted to yell out, but mom must have felt your happy celebration behind her because she rounded on you. "Don't think you're off the hook either young lady, I'm dealing with you in a minute." Your mother snapped, you duck your head down, bowing your shoulders looking at her sadly. Crap.

"Annabelle," Simon said straightening up, he seems to be recovering from mom's verbal attack, being an Alpha, you doubt he likes being pushed around too much. "I came to apologize, I know I lost my temper," Simon said he looked down with a sad puppy look again. "Can I just speak with Celeste and offer a proper apology." You watched in shock as your mother grabs Simon's shirt pulling him down so his face was at her level.

"If you ever hurt my daughter again, no treaty will save you from me. Do you understand me?" You have never seen your mother go nose to nose with an Alpha before, you were completely terrified and awestruck at the same time. She shoves Simon back. "I will pass on your message. You don't deserve to see my daughter again tonight." Then she slams the door in his face, and all you can think is......... damn, that's my mother!

"Holy shit!" was all you manage to say as mom takes a deep breath her hand resting on the door, but sadly it was now your turn to received your mother's wrath or so you thought until she started laughing.

"Poor kid, he didn't know what to do." She turned to you shaking her head. "Cel, come here my sweet." You move towards her with your head hanging low. She pulls you into her arms hugging you tightly. "You keep playing dangerous games sweety and you're going to get hurt." She whispers into your hair she taking your bruised arm in her hands turning it from side to side. "What made you think it was a good idea to get an Alpha jealous?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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