Untitled Part 5

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"Don't worry the weather will clear up," Simon said moving forward placing an umbrella over your head. He had to bow his shoulders to share with you because he was so damn tall. Part of you thought it was sweet that he was making sure you kept dry well one half of his body was getting drenched.

"So where are we going?" You stop, looking around for a car when a silver SUV pulls up.

"What is he doing here?" Simon growled you couldn't see who was driving because of the tinted windows but whoever it was annoyed Simon so of course, you found that amusing. Harrison, carrying his own umbrella, steps out walking over to the passenger side door opening it.

"Good morning my lady," he said with a little nod of his head. "I'm here to chaperone."

"What?" Simon growled, "Don't be absurd, we do not require a chaperone."

"Lady Celeste is 17 and if Richard were here he would have any interactions between you too chaperoned. My lady, there is no unchaperoned dating in your territory. Your father's rules, your mother called me last night and asked as her last act as Luna that we uphold your father's rule. Who am I to deny my Luna's last request?" Geez sounds like your father was really strict. "Until the marriage, you can expect me to be by your side in any interaction between you both." Simon's head turns to the window above. You also look to see your mother with a radiant smile giving you a tiny wave; well played mom, well played.

"Meddling bitch!" Simon snarled your head snaps around to him, how dare he speak of your mother like that. Harrison steps forward taking your hand pulling you towards the car.

"I'd watch what you say about the girl's mother. I may not hold her back this time." Simon's eye moves from your mother in the window and locks on to your hate-filled gaze. His shoulders drop slightly as if in defeat before he starts moving to the other side of the car.

"Well let's go then!" He snapped, you give mom a wave and a smile before climbing into the car. Simon sits grumpily next to you as Harrison made his way through traffic.

"Where to, Alpha?" You could see Harrison smile in the rearview mirror, he was clearly enjoying this. "Or is it ladies' choice?" Ha! This lady's choice would be to go right back home save in her territory where no dogs were allowed! After that insult to your mother, you were determined to give Simon the silent treatment. "It's really coming down out there? So I'm guessing indoors. Just tell me where I'm headed." You glance out the window, yeah raining cats and dogs, oh was the joke number two? You're counting it.

"To the Six flags on Sunset," Simon growled. Six Flags, you and the girls had totally planned on going before returning home.

"But the rain Alpha." Harrison protested and you had to agree, it wouldn't be that much fun in the rain.

"Tempest assured me it would clear by the time we arrive." Tempest that tiny witch.

"Is Tempest a meteorologist?" You asked cause if she is you would have to say she's not a good one, for the look of the cloud you total doubt it's going to clear.

"Tempest is the High Priestess of the future it allows her to see some things." What? That wasn't in the files mom gave you. Your shocked look must have tipped Simon off that you were not aware of this fact. "There are always three High Priestess, past, present, and future. Morgan is the priestess of the past, as you notice she doesn't speak much, some would say she's lost in the past, unable to live in the present or plan for a future." Oh, that's sad, when they were handing out High Priestess positions she must have been in the bathroom, poor woman. "Ruth is the High Priestess of the present, hence the ability to read minds. She knows what's happening at any moment in the present. That brings us to Tempest, she can see the future, but she is young and still learning to control her skills, or as she says the future is always changing it's hard to keep track sometimes, but she assured me that we would have a nice day today." Simon said before looking back out his window a grumpily looks back on his face. The ride continues in silence for a bit you notice Harrison keep looking back and he seemed pretty happy that we weren't getting along.

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