Chapter 1- .gate.

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Daniel woke up on his alarm going off. He sat up and stretched, and then he went to the bathroom that it's connected to his room. Daniel brushed his teeth and fixed his hair. After that, he looked at his reflection on the mirror "today is going to be a good day," he told himself and smiled.

 He then got to his closet and just took a plain black tee, ripped jeans, and a bomber jacket.He then went down to the kitchen, and there he meets the smell of a freshly cooked bacon and egg. "Morning,," he both hugged them, and both of his parents smiled at him. "What you got so smiling this morning, son?" his dad asks... "nothing dad... I just got the feeling that today is going to be a good day," Daniel said to his dad with a big grin on his face.

After he is done eating, he then put his Gucci shoes on and went to the garage. He started his red mustang, which his parents gifted it to him on his 17th birthday. He drove to school while listening and singing to Panic at the Disco. 

Along the way, he stopped at Jonah's place to give him a ride, because his car broke his car a week ago on the way to school. When they were about to enter the gate, Daniel hit the break of the car hard. It caused Jonah to bump his head on the dashboard because someone walked in front of them.------------

Corbyn groans as the sunlight hit him. When he sat up, he felt a pain in his back, and that's when he realized that he again fell asleep on his desk. (a/n- I'm not going to detailed what he did because I'm too lazy and I already did it with Daniel :) ).

 Corbyn gets up from his seat, and he did his morning routine., he went down in the kitchen, and he did not see his mom and dad their eating. 'They probably had gone early,' he thought to his smile. But the good thing is that his mom left breakfast for him to eat. He went to grab his stuff and head out. Corbyn doesn't bother on taking the bus to go to school because it was just a ten minutes walk from his home. 

When he was about to cross, he heard a loud honked, and he looked up, he saw Daniel, and Corbyn just ran towards the main entrance of the school.Corbyn unlocked his locker, and he got the stuff that he needs for his morning periods. When he was about to close his locker, he heard Daniel greeting his friends, and he ducked his head inside the locker, hoping that Daniel won't see him because of what happened earlier.

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