The Conclusion! The First Day At UA High!

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You woke up in bed in a strange room, there were circular lights on the ceiling and you didn't recall having white covers.

???: Oh, so you're finally awake...

You looked to see an old lady with an oversized Syringe for a cane and a regular syringe in her hair.

You looked to see an old lady with an oversized Syringe for a cane and a regular syringe in her hair

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Y/N: Who are you...?

Recovery girl: I'm recovery girl, you passed out due to exhaustion when the exam ended.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Recovery girl: A few hours.

You looked out the window and saw that it wasn't completely dark yet.

Y/N: So if it was only exhaustion then I should be able to leave now right?

The old lady nodded

Recovery girl: Yes, just take it easy on the way home okay?

You nodded and headed out, you left the building and activated Ultra Instinct, you jumped to a building and planted your feet into it's wall, you jumped again and did the same thing to another building, you jumped from wall to wall until you got home, you made yourself something to eat and went to bed.

One Week Later

It's been a week since the entrance exam and you were beginning to think that they forgot about you when you heard a knock on the door, someone slipped an envelope through the bottom and it had the UA logo on it. You opened it up in the living room and a small chip came out, it began to glow when suddenly...


You nearly jumped off the couch from the sudden surprise.

Y/N: All Might? What are you doing?

All might: You're looking at the latest UA faculty member!

Y/N: Huh, neat...

All might: Now! Let's get down to business! You passed the written exam and you passed the practical exam with a score 79 combat points, we also saw how you attempted to reach young Midoriya's side when he was in trouble giving you an additional 5 rescue points making a total of 84 points! Don't worry! Young Midoriya has passed as well!

A chart was then shown on the places for the entrance exam, you scored first place. Your eyes widened from the fact you made it first.

All might: You've made it, Y/N! You are now a part of the hero academia!

Your eyes became moist as if they were ready to burst with tears at any moment.

Y/N: Y-Yes! I passed! And Midoriya passed too! THANK YOU! THANK YOU ALL MIGHT I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!!

Tears of joy began to run down your face as a big smile spread.

Time Skip

You woke up and sprung out of bed, you took a nice hot shower, you began to feel relaxed as the hot water felt so good on your skin, you then got dried off and put on your uniform and packed your supplies, you had breakfast and headed out. You used your usual way of travel and jumped from building to building, eventually you arrived at UA high.

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