Who's In Charge? A Breach In The Gate

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You were super tired after a night of playing a new video game that came out and was heading to school when you noticed a bunch of people crowding the UA barrier, it took you a second to realize that it was the media trying to get information about All Might's classes. They spotted you and were about to run up to you until you went Ultra instinct and leaped over them all. You noticed some of your classmates behind you and you felt sorry for what was about to happen.

Interviewer: How are all might's classes?

Uraraka: U-Um...he's super muscular...Yeah!

Interviewer: How are All Might's classes-Wait, aren't you the one who was caught by the sludge villain?

Bakugou: Tch, Stop!

Interviewer: How are All Might's classes?

Midoriya: U-Um...I have to go to the nurse's office!

You made your way through the hallways and past the many lockers and entered you class, you took a seat waited for class to begin.

Y/N: *Sigh* I'm so tired...

Midoriya: Are you alright Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah just tired...

Aizawa walked into the classroom, he stood in front of everyone.

Aizawa: Good morning, today you'll be doing something that will forever effect this class...

Everyone began to worry.

Midoriya: Another quirk test?!

Aizawa: You must decide on a class representative...

Everyone sighed I relief.

Everyone: Oh good it's just normal school stuff...

Kirishima: I want to do it! Pick me!

Kaminari: Me too!

Jirou: Yeah you're gonna need me...

Aoyama: The Job is made for m-

Ashido: Cmon I'm totally the right pick!

Mineta: My manifesto is for all of the girls' skirts to be 30 centimetres above the knee!

Y/N: Mineta that's gross!

Bakugou: I want to do it! Me!

Iida: Everyone! Silence!

You all turned your heads to Iida.

Iida: If we all want to become class representative, then we should hold an election to chose one...

Everyone: Your hand is raised the highest!

Tsuyu: But we've only known each other for a few days, how do we know who we can trust...?

Kirishima: Yeah for all we know everyone will probably vote for themselves!

Iida: That's exactly why we should hold an election so we can know who to trust! What do you think Mr.Aizawa?

Aizawa: I don't care just do it before my nap is done...

One everyone had voted, Midoriya won with three votes, Momo was behind him with two votes and you were behind her with one vote.



Sero: Well it's better than voting for you...

Bakugou: WHAT'D YOU SAY?!?!

Uraraka started whistling and looked the opposite direction of Bakugou.

Y/N: Who voted for me...?

Aizawa: Alright class rep is Midoriya, deputy class rep is yaoyorozu...

Midoriya: R-Really?! Me?!

Momo: How vexing...

Tsuyu: That might not be so bad!

Kirishima: Yeah I can get along with Midoriya as class rep I guess!

It was time for lunch you weren't feeling like getting food so you just sat at an indoor bench, you were reading a book when suddenly the alarms went off.


You were confused when suddenly you heard a bunch of rapid footsteps, you looked to see a stampede of scared teenagers, you went Ultra instinct and jumped in the air just in time to not get trampled.

Y/N: What the hell is going on?!

A student looked up to you and answered your question.


Y/N: WHAT?!?!

You began to panic when you saw Iida spinning in the air.


He reached the top of the exit and posed like an exit symbol gaining everyone's attention.

Iida: Everyone! Everything is alright! It's just the media!

The whole crowd began to calm down and head back to what they were doing.

Y/N: WHAT?! The media?!

Midoriya: Yeah, they somehow managed to get in...

Y/N: Hmm...

Just then the bell rang and you all headed back to class, while you were walking with Midoriya and his friends they asked you something.

Midoriya: So why didn't you get lunch?

Y/N: Just didn't feel hungry...

Uraraka: Really? Well that's fair...

You all arrived to class and took your seats, Midoriya and Momo were called to the front for an announcement that Midoriya had.

Midoriya: I...I think Tenya Iida should be class rep!

Iida looked surprised.

Midoriya: He was able to get everyone's attention during the big panic at lunch, so I think he should do it!

Iida: Midoriya...If you request it then I must accept!

Kirishima: Yeah I can deal with Iida as class rep!

Kaminari: We're counting on you emergency exit!

Kirishima: Emergency exit Iida!

Time Skip

School had just ended and you were walking out of the building, you could hardly walk since how tired you were.

Y/N: I'm even more tired now...I need a nap after all of this...

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