Part 1 - Michael in the Bathroom

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I pushed through the crowd of drunk/high teenagers and walked towards the bathroom. I knocked on the door
Knock Knock
No response. I knocked again.
Knock Knock
Again, no response. I reached for the doorknob, but then I heard crying from inside.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked

No one answered so I opened the door. It was that cute guy that I sit next to in most of my classes. I saw his eyes were red and puffy, but he didn't smell like weed. He was crying. Or at least he had been.

"What?" He said, his brown eyes still red

"Um, I heard someone crying and-"

"You're quiet as hell. I didn't hear you" He said with a smile

"Heh, I know." I told him

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"So, who are you hiding out from?" I asked

"I-It's not importa-"

"Jeremy Heere?" I asked

"H-How'd you-"

"I have my ways. Plus, the popular kids don't see me when I listen to their conversations." I told him

"Yeah..." He said

Without thinking I gave him a hug

Michael's POV

I feel my face heating up. Why was she hugging me? I'm a loser. Why would anyone care what I'm feeling?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." She told me

It just hit me. I don't know her name. She doesn't know my name either.

"What's your name anyway?" I asked

"Oh, sorry. It's Y/N L/N" she told me

I'm gonna regret saying this, aren't I?

"I'm Michael Mell. Do you wanna get out of here?" I asked

"Um, sure. I mean, I know basically no one heere, other than Jeremy. And all he's doing is making out with some girl." She said

I smiled at the pun, but my smile didn't last long. Why did Jeremy have to get a squip? And was he making out with Brooke or Chloe?

"Lets go." She said, taking my hand

We started pushing through the kids and eventually got to the door.

"U-Uh can you l-let go of my hand?" I asked

"Oh, sorry." She said, letting go of my hand


We walked to my PT Cruiser and I opened the driver seat door.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked


We both looked at the house, which was now on fire. We both gave each other a scared look. Y/N took out her phone and called 911. My phone buzzed in my pocket and clicked on the message

(A/N Michael will have 2 moms in this. One mom will be Mom and one will be Mother)

Mother: Michael. Get home, NOW! We heard about the fire at Jakes. GET HERE NOW!

Me: I wasn't in the fire. I got out before it started. I'll be home soon.

Mom: Okay, be safe honey!

Me: Alright.

I turned on my car and Bob Marley blasted through the speakers. My face went red and turned it off

"You like Bob Marley?" Y/N asked

"Y-Yeah. Do you?"

"Kinda. I like some of his songs, but I love musicals more."

I gave her a smile and handed her the AUX cord

"Play a musical. I have to drop you off anyway." I told her

She plugged in her phone and played a song

How does a bastard, orphan, song of a whore...

I laughed and smiled

"Hamilton" I said


I turned to her

"Where do you live anyway?" I asked

"*insert address just because*" she told me

I started heading there, realizing that she was the girl that just moved across the street. I stopped and she got out

"Thanks Michael!" She said and ran towards her door

I looked over at my house and my moms were in the door. Mother was glaring and Mom was smirking

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