Part 3 - Monday is a bitch

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I woke up and got ready for school for school. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and started eating, then there was a knock at the door. I groaned and got up and walked to the door. I open and see Michael there with his backpack.

"Hey!" He exclaimed

"Hi?" I asked with a confused look

"We have school and I thought that I could give you a ride." He told me

"Ok, let me finish my food first." I said, letting him in

I walked over to where I was eating and finished my food. I picked up my backpack and we left. Once we were at school we went to our classes.

*time skip cuz I'm a lazy ass*

After school, I started walking out of the school and Michael ran up to me.

"Hey Y/N! You need a ride?" He asked

"Sure." I replied

Once we got to my house, I thanked him and walked into my house. My dad wasn't home yet so I took out my laptop and started playing online games in my room.

Michaels POV

I was laying in my room staring at the ceiling. I couldn't help but think about Y/N. She was in a pissy mood today. I wonder why? I pulled out my phone and started texting her

Me: Hey
Read 5:03


Me: What's wrong? You seemed pissy and sad today.

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it. It's personal and only me and my dad know.

Me: Okay, tell me when you're ready.

I turned off my phone and went and took a shower. Once I got back, my phone had a message from Y/N

Y/N: I'll tell you. On one condition. Don't tell anyone

Me: What if I want to tell my grandma?

Y/N: Haha. Still. I want you to know this but it's kinda secret. And dark. Kinda.

Me: You can tell me anything. I promise I won't tell a soul. But if my grandma asks why you were mad, I'll have to tell her.

Y/N: Lol deal.

Y/N: So today is the day that my mom and my twin sister died.

Holy shit.

Y/N: And my dad has to work. We're going to their graves tonight. So I have to go. Bye.

Me: Bye

I turned off my phone, took off my shirt, and put on sweat pants then fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later to my mom yelling for me.

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