Troubled Love: Chapter 9

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After Raven turned over I decided to get in the shower real quick. I turned the steaming hot water on and and let it hit my back. Once I did that it was like instant stress relief. I wrapped the towel around my waist just under my v-lines then I ran my fingers through my hair. I was thinking of what to do with Cairo. That little sonovagun needed to die for what he did to my baby girl. I walked to the door and closed it then I walked over to my dresser. I decided to wear my gray earl sweater with a pair of black joggers and my wolf grey 3's. Raven was still sleeping and it was just about to hit 9:00. Normally she'd be the one waking me up and telling me to get dressed. I don't even think I slept. I may have taken an hour nap but other than that, I've been up since yesterday morning. I went into the guest room to check on Riley and Maleeah who were still peacefully sleeping. I could visibly tell they had bruises. I felt so bad. After that, I went out into the living room and sat on the couch with Tre.

"All good?" he asked me.

"Yup. All good." I said as I took a deep breath. A little while after there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said as I stood up and stretched. I made sure I looked through the peep hole before i opened it to see who it was. It was Terrance and Trevor.

"Wassup." I said as I opened the door and let them in. They all got comfortable and so did I.

"Yo Dee, I really think you should hop on a track. Be like August Alsina or something." Terrance said.

"Boy, I don't want to be like nobody but me when I start making music." I said.

"I'm just saying, with you singing and everything if you make a track it might get popular." he said.

"You can sing? Wow that's very surprising." Trevor said.

"What you mean by that?" I asked him trying to see if I should be offended or not.

"I'm not trying to be mean or rude but like, you are one scary looking dude." He said. Everybody started laughing. Even I started laughing. I had my snake bite piercings in and hes seen my tattoos on my arms. I'm pretty sure that the fact I was tall and my eyes changed colors didn't help at all. Sometimes I didn't see what so many girls saw in me. I am a scary looking dude.

"Eh, you might be right." I laughed. Soon I heard little footsteps.

"Oh, Hi Guys." Raven said in a low voice. Everybody turned and looked at her. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing the same thing she had on last night. Everybody stood up and hugged her. Even Trevor. Tre probably told him about what happened. When she hugged me I took a good look at her face. Her lip was busted, her cheek was bruised, she had a scratch on the middle of her forehead and another on her eyebrow by her piercing.

"Are you okay? Do you want some tylenol or something?" I asked her. She shook her head and waved her hand.

"Im okay... Thank you... All of you." she said with a light smile. It hurt me to know that she was hurting. Raven is the type of girl that doesn't open up to anybody. She encloses her feelings and makes people think that they arent even there. She bottles up all her anger and when somebody pushes enough of her buttons, they come out in the worst way. I just gave her another hug. I figured she wouldn't talk about what happened much with all these other people here. Soon Maleeah and Riley came out their rooms. Everybody hugged them too.

"I think im gonna head home and drop Riley off." Maleeah said.

"Why? What's wrong?" Terrance asked.

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