Troubled Love: Chapter 10

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Sorry kinda short. I just knew I had to post something. Next Chapter coming really soon though ;)


Once he said that, my heart dropped.

Its your father.

I haven't spoken to nor seen this man in so long. I honestly didn't want to. I loved him but hated him so much. He was one of those people who make promises they can't keep. Hes done so many terrible things to not only me but my family also. It was hard to swallow and I was scared to speak. From what it looked like, Tre felt the same way too.

"Why are you calling me and how did you get my number?" I said uneasily.

"Cause someone has a big birthday coming up correct? And you seem to have forgotten who I am. I always find a way for everything." he said.

"Why do you care about my birthday? You haven't cared for the past how many years? Like four or five?" I said with an attitude.

"I know and I wanna make it up to you, I promise this-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Marley, don't." I said in a stern voice. Oh my god. I just called him by his first name. I didn't even mean to, it slipped. Tre gave me shocked look. "Don't promise me anything unless you mean it sir. Im so sick and tired of these broken promises." I said to him. He made a noise and coughed like my words shocked him. I couldn't blame him, they shocked me too. Tre stood there with his mouth open.

"Watch your mouth Raven." He said seriously.

"Not until you watch yours." I shot back. What in the world has gotten into me. Tre put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing but it came out anyway.

"Was that Tre? Put your brother on the phone, i'm tired of speaking to you." He said. I made a face.

"He can hear you, just speak. And please remember, you didn't have to call me." I said. I handed the phone over to him.

"Yeah, what's good folk." He said.

"Boy, you better control your sister, talking all reckless and what not. She must have forgotten who I was." my father said. This negro.

"It's been four years, you've missed a lot. Plus you kinda make her angry. I know you didn't call to tell her happy birthday so what do you want?" Tre said.

"I called cause I wanna see ya'll. I have something to ask you and then I have some news to tell you." he said.

"So you wanna meet up at a restaurant or something?" Tre asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow or the day after that." My dad said.

"No." I said loud enough so he could hear me. Tre looked at me and smiled.

"We'd love to. What time and where." Tre said.

"Great Passage at 6:00 tomorrow." my dad said. I was surprised. Great Passage was a fancy Caribbean restaurant that had all different types of food. Hes not the type of person to go places like that.

"Sounds like a plan." Tre said. after that they said their goodbyes and hang up. Tre handed me my phone.

"You don't have to be so rude you know." he said to me.

"I don't like that man Tre." I said. I wasn't kidding either.

"I understand that but maybe hes actually trying to be progressive with us this time." Tre said playfully.

"Ha." I said as I walked out and laughed. Everybody was in the living room talking and laughing about basketball and football. I went over to Darious who was sitting in a chair and sat in his lap.

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