Troubled Love: Chapter 12

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I woke up in a white room. My vision was messed up. It always messes up when I wake up. I looked up and then looked at my body. I was wrapped in a warm cover with a hospital gown on. I looked at my arm and panicked when I saw an IV in it. I began to try and scratch it out my arm but a gentle arm touched me. I looked over and it was Darious.

"Babe, calm down. You're okay." he said. I put my arms down and took a breath. He grabbed a remote and pressed a button that made the bed sit me up. I looked at the whole room and it had beds in it. Some of them were taken.

"Darious, where am I?" I asked him as I turned to look at him. I felt kind of weak.

"Um... Infirmary. You were dehydrated, so I took you to one of your father's facilities." he said.

"Oh." I said. We both sat there in silence. My father walked in and walked straight to my bed.

"Shes awake. Darious would you mind if I spoke to my daughter?" he asked. Darious looked at me. I nodded my head to let him know it was okay.

"Nah, you good folk." Darious said he got up from his seat and let my father sit there. As he walked away enclosed the curtains around us so it would be more private. I just looked forward and wiggled my toes underneath the warm blanket. I looked everywhere except for at my father.

"Raven. Look at me please." he said. I fully turned my head and looked the opposite way.

"Okay. I deserved that. Look, i'm really sorry. I'm starting to realize that you understand things a lot more than you did ten years back. I'm also starting to understand that i'm not the best father in the world." he said. I laughed lightly.

"Raven i've always wanted nothing but the best for you. With you turning eighteen, I see you have turned into a great woman." . When he said that I turned over and looked at him. He was staring down at the ground and he looked sad.

"Darious told me what happened, well, what has happened. With Cairo. I'm really sorry that I wasn't there for you. Honestly, i'm sorry for all the things I weren't there for. From here on out, I'm going to be there... Thats a true promise." he said looking me in my face making a tear roll out my eye. I held out my arms for a hug and he accepted it. Once it was over I sat up and shifted myself so that I was facing him more. I wiped my eyes and looked at him.

"Im sorry. I should have been more supportive of your engagement. I do have some questions though." I said. He looked up at me expectantly.

"Can you tell me about my older older brother?"

"Well, he and Tre are the same age, born around the same time. He looks like the both of you and hes almost as tall as Darious. If you didn't know better, you would think he and Tre were twins." he said smiling faintly, which made me smile.

"Whats his name?"

"Quaron Emeric Ocean."

"Has he seen me before?"

"Mhmm. I showed him a picture of you and he said you were very beautiful. He wants to meet you and Tre." he said I smiled. I got up off the bed and grabbed the thing my IV was hooked up to.

"Where you going?" My father asked as I opened up the curtains.

"For a walk. I need to stretch." I said truthfully. I put my hair up into a bun.

"Raven." my father called as I began to walk away. I turned around.

"I love you." he said. I sighed.

"Baby steps, Dad, baby steps."


"Can someone please explain to me as to why my daughter is here?" Big Mar said as he stood over Raven. My jaw dropped so hard when he said that. I looked at Derek and Derek looked at me. I stepped forward.

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