That's not polite

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that if you have any requests for this imagines book, please let me know by commenting or messaging me and I'll be more than happy to write it. Thank you for reading!

Why did today have to be such a long day? Sure, my clients are usually quite picky. I have been as well when I was trying to find a home, but this couple was absolutely impossible. They're honestly a nightmare. No matter what house I have showed them, they always found something wrong with it and would therefore insult me and my choices. Normally this kind of thing wouldn't get to me, even when they make it personal, but right now, the only thought I have is; 'I need a drink'.

Showing up at the closest bar, I sit down at the counter with a heavy sigh and order a gin and tonic. I sit there looking around the classic bar when I felt a man come and sit down close to me. A little too close for comfort. Trying not to pay any attention to him, I carry on looking around until he starts speaking to me and I am forced to look at him.

"Hey pretty lady. What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asks with a smirk which he obviously thinks is sexy on him. He looks at me with lust filled eyes and just by his posture, he definitely thinks he's hot shit. He's not, at all. A shiver runs down my spine as his smirk turns into a creepy smile.

"I just came here to drink." I say in a dismissive tone.

"Well, lucky for you, I've come to do the same." He says a little too enthusiastically. I really don't trust this guy at all. I need to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything.

"If you don't mind, I prefer to drink alone." I firmly say, giving him a tight smile and hoping he'd take the obvious hint. Not that it was much of a hint instead a blatant statement.

"Come on sweetheart, don't be like that. You and I can have a lot of fun together." Is this guy for real?

"Don't count on it." I turn away from him, picking up my glass but before I could even take a drink, it's snatched out of my hand by a different person now standing between me and the creeper. "Hey! What the fuck?" I can't help but say. Can't a girl just drink alcohol in peace?

"Hi, sorry, you really don't want to drink this." He says in a rush before turning to the other guy. "And you know, it's not polite to roofy someone else's drink. Do you have any more of those drugs, or was it just the one?" He roofied my drink? The other guy sits up straighter, clearly mad that he had been caught. If this tall guy wasn't standing between us right now, I would totally kick this guys ass. How dare he try and do that to me! "If you wanted to get the girl, learn how to do it the old fashioned way and actually talk to her, and not in the creepy way that you did before. Now, I think you should leave."

"Fuck you. I don't have to go anywhere." He scoffs, but this doesn't dissuade the tall guy.

"If you don't leave, then I'm calling the cops. I'm sure they would love to come and take you to jail for harassment at the very least." Okay, I'm loving this. The tall guy knows what he's doing. The creeper mutters obscenities as he grabs his stuff and leaves the bar. I instantly start to relax in my seat once he's gone.

"Thank you." I quietly say to the tall guy and he turns to look at me. "I didn't even see him put anything in my drink." I run a hand through my hair. I can't help but notice just how handsome this man is, especially when he gives me a charming smile and I can feel my cheeks heat up in response.

"It's fine, I'm just glad I got here in time. I saw him put something in your drink when I was walking past outside. I couldn't let you have that drink." I smile kindly at him, feeling extremely grateful that he was there. "I'm Gwilym." He says , holding out his hand which I accept and shake.

"I'm Y/N."

"Can I get you another drink?"

"No." He looks a little chest fallen at my answer. "Because I am getting you a drink to say thank you." He laughs, the smile returning quickly on his face.

"I guess I can't say no to that." He sits down in the recently vacated seat next to me, but pushes the seat back to a comfortable distance, so as to not make me uncomfortable like the other guy did. Once the bartender brings us our drinks, an easy conversation starts flowing between us. Well, at the moment, its mainly him asking me a whole bunch of questions about my job and personal life, which I don't really mind sharing with him. I mean, all I can say is that I'm a real estate agent who goes hiking in my spare time. That's it.

"I think that's enough about me, what about you, Gwilym? What do you do for a living?" I ask as the bartender brings us another round of drinks.

"I'm an actor." He says, smiling shyly at me which I can't help but find adorable but still charming.

"Your an actor? What sort of things have you done? Anything I may know?"

"I don't know. I do do a lot of different types of acting, like performing on stage, TV shows, films and sometimes games, so there could be so many different things you could have seen me in. But I am working on something at the moment..." He trails off, not sure if he should continue, so I lean forward to show that he has my undivided attention to allow him to carry on. "I'm currently working on a film called Bohemian Rhapsody." I immediately perk up in recognition of his words.

"The upcoming Queen biopic?" He nods, his smile growing wider. "Oh-my-gosh. I love Queen. Please tell me you are playing Brian May."

"Ah-yeah I am." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Perfect. You'd honestly be perfect for that role."

"How do you know that?"

"Oh, I just know." I send him a wink, making him laugh. Now, that's a laugh I would like to keep hearing. I glance at the clock on the wall and notice it's almost midnight, causing my smile to fall. "Shit, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to sort out more houses for my clients to view." I really don't want to leave. He's honestly great company. I sigh and stand up, collecting my coat and bag. He stands up with me, being the polite gentleman that he is.

"That's fine, but - um - can I have your number?" He asks nervously. "I'd like to see you again and maybe even take you out? On a date?" I smile brightly at him.

"I would love that." I tell him my number and he quickly puts it in his phone, sending me a quick text so I have his number too. He gives me another heart stopping smile. "Thanks again for saving my ass."

"Any time."

Gwilym Lee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now