Moment to Moment - Part Three

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It's the bright morning light that wakes me up, content in a bed that definitely doesn't feel like my own. I open my eyes, and sure enough, the room is not my own. But I do recognize some of the items laid out. Everything comes back to me when I roll over and see Gwilym lying there, staring at me.  Initially get a fright, but soon relax and smile widely when I think about all the things he did to me last night. Multiple times. In many different positions.

I still can't believe all of this has actually happened. I'm so glad I didn't leave the bar like I was thinking. But, then again, it could just be a one time thing, a way to prove to himself that he really doesn't like me anymore. If that's the case, that would really break my heart. But I can't think like that right now. Just live in the moment, Y/N. Live in the happiness.

"Good morning." He says in a sweet, husky voice as he smiles at me.

"Good morning." I reply, my smile growing wider. Gwil soon lifts his hand and, very lightly, brushes his fingers over my face. "What are you doing?" I giggle.

"Making sure you're real." He replies. "And you are." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my naked body up against his, our legs intertwining so that nothing is left untouched. I lean my head forward to softly place my lips on his, kissing him with every amount of love and passion I can before pulling away.

"God, I've missed you." I whisper before opening my eyes to look at him and I say in a clearer voice; "I've missed you, so much." Even though I said it louder, it didn't stop my voice from breaking. I wait for him to say something, his fingers lightly stoking my face as he smiles.

"I've missed you too. You have no idea how much I've missed you." He brings me in for another kiss, bringing our bodies somehow closer. When he pulls away, he still keeps me close as if he's afraid he's going to lose me, but I know I'm not going anywhere. "I want you back." Gwil whispers before speaking up. "I've missed you too much, Y/N. I want to call you mine again. We may not have been ready last time with everything that happened, but I am ready now. I just hope you are too." I honestly feel like I'm floating. This is honestly one of  the best things I've heard in the past three years. 

I can't help but smile widely and peck him in the lips before saying; "Gwil, I'm not going anywhere."


Another Three Years Later...

Gwilym and I are walking down the street together, hand in hand, talking and laughing. That's it. But that's all I want. Sure, moments in bed with him are great, but these moments beat all that by far. It also helps that today is a beautiful day. It's these moments when we finally get to catch up after Gwilym has been away for weeks or even months after filming. This has become a kind of tradition, something we always make sure we do when he gets back.

Gwilym's career since Bohemian Rhapsody has taken off quite well. It's almost as if the people can't get enough of this tall, sexy man. I know I definitely can't.

Gwilym starts slowing down his pace and I follow suit before we come to a stop in front of a very familiar building. We stand here, silently looking up at the building together long enough that I start wondering why we've even stopped here in the first place. Not that I don't like the trip down memory lane, but come on, a girl needs answers here. 

"This place is actually very significant to us." Gwilym says before turning to look at me, my eyes already on him. "Do you know why?" I look back at the building with a small smile.

"Of course I do. It's the fine arts department at the University we went to all those years ago." I say before looking back at Gwil. "It's also where we first met."

"Yeah, and started fighting like crazy, too." He laughs and I chuckle too. We turn to fully face one another. "We may have had our rough moment, like when I wasn't exactly nice to you, or when you needed to leave to focus on helping yourself get better, we always found our way back to one another" This is starting to sound extremely intimate and sentimental. What's going on? "We've never stopped supporting one another, even through these times, which is why I think it is the perfect time and place to do this." 

That's the moment he decides to get down onto one knee, pulling out a small, black, velvet box from his jacket and opens it to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. I bring my hands up to my face to try and cover my small sobs of joy. "Y/N  Y/L/N. You are the Leslie to my Ben, the Pam to my Jim. I love you with all my heart and there is no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Due to feeling choked up on emotions, it takes me a bit to let out my answer; "Yes."

"Yes?" He asks as if he couldn't believe my answer.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I will marry you." He quickly stands up, shakily putting the ring on my finger before he wraps me tightly in his arms, picks me up and spins me around. When he finally puts me back down, I quickly kiss him before he says anything. I feel nothing but love and excitement in this moment, and I know my mum would be happy for Gwilym and I. We're actually getting married!

"I love you." I say emotionally. He smiles brightly down at me, placing a small, loving kiss on my forehead before saying;

"I love you too."

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