You Bumped into my Life... Again

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"Y/N  Y/L/N? I have your peppermint latte ready." The reason I love Christmas. I walk up to the barista, grab my coffee and wrap both hands around the cardboard cup, feeling the warmth seep through my gloved hands. 

"Thank you." I say with a smile before quickly turning around, only to bump right into a firm chest. My beautiful latte spills all over the both of us and I have to bite my bottom lip not to yell at the sheer burning of my skin. "I am so sorry." I say once I could manage it. "I could pay for your dry cleaning or something - " I stop when I look up at the stranger, feeling nothing but mortification. Of course it just had to be a handsome stranger, didn't it?

"No, it's fine." He says with a tight smile. From the thickness of his voice, it was definitely not fine. In fact, he sounded and looked quite annoyed. I swallow the lump in my throat, and I look down, feeling the sudden urge to run.

"Right. Well, I'm sorry." I say in a small voice and as quickly as I can, walk straight out of the shop with a half empty cup.


Why can't I be just that little bit taller? My arms are getting tired and the toes of my feet are getting sore, all for a stupid ingredient that is essential for making gluten free brownies. Why did it have to be on the top shelf? I could make this easier and ask for some help, but no, I can do this on my own. I don't need no help, even if my limbs are screaming at me to get some. 

But before I could even say anything, someone reaches up beside me and grabs the chocolate before holding it out for me to take.

"Th-thank you." I say, but as I accept the chocolate, I look up and see the stranger from the coffee shop who I made a complete and total fool in front of. Great, I can feel the blush coming on.

"Not a problem." He says with a simple smile, a complete contrast to the last time I saw him. He's definitely a very handsome stranger. His eyebrows knit together in thought. "Hey, aren't you that girl from the coffee shop?

"I was seriously hoping you wouldn't remember that. Again, I am so sorry I got coffee on you."

"No, I'm sorry I was in your way. Or even offer to pay for another coffee. Besides it's fine, there was no harm done."

"Are you sure? Because you seemed a little bit upset." The handsome stranger laughs slightly, but his smile falters. Shit, did I say the wrong thing?

"It was just a bad day at work, is all. None of it was directed at you, I promise. But speaking of work, I sadly have to pay for this and go. Have a nice day." He smiles at me once more before he starts to walk off. 

"Thanks again for the -" But he's already gone. I sigh and look down at the item in my hand. Shit, wrong chocolate.


So, I might have told my best friend about the handsome stranger I have bumped into twice now, and it may not have been the greatest idea to do so. Mainly because she was with me when I saw him again across the room at my friend's engagement party. We have mutual friends apparently, how coincidental is that? But when I pointed him out to a particularly drunk best friend, she shouted out; "so, that's the handsome stranger you keep talking about?"

Normally I wouldn't be embarrassed and I would try and play it off seeing as Y/F/N does this more times than I can count, but the problem is, he heard her.

Technically, I think the whole room heard her, but I could tell he knew I was talking about him. So now, for the rest of the night, I am going to try and avoid him. If I see him getting close, I turn and walk the other way and pray that I don't get stuck in a conversation that he's also apart of. My plan was going perfectly until the universe decided it wanted to have a laugh at me and he ended up bumping into me. Literally.

"So, handsome stranger, huh?" The way he said that made me think that he definitely did not bump into me on accident, and that he's very drunk. 

I try to say something but my throat starts to close up with anxiety, making me stand there just opening and closing my mouth like an idiot. "Yep" is all I manage to say before I quickly turn around and walk off. Where did my Gryffindor qualities go?


I hate running. But sadly, it's gotta be done. New Years resolution and all. Actually, it was my friend's resolution for me. It's something we've done for a while and we have always promised to fulfill those resolutions. At least I have my adorable running partner, Dobby, who is my dog who also looks like he's going to pass out any minute. I turn the corner of the park and bump right into a familiar firm chest. I almost fall down from the impact, but hands wrap themselves around my waist, stopping me from doing so. 

"You know, we've got to stop meeting like this." My breath catches in my throat as I don't even have to look up at the guy who caught me to know who that voice belongs to. The handsome stranger, as if he just realized that he is still holding my waist, quickly drops his hands to his side.

"What would be the fun of meeting up normally?" I ask in a breathy voice. I can't let him know just how much I am not a runner, but I also need air!

"Well, if we're going to keep doing this, can I at least know your name?"

"I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you properly, Y/N. I'm Gwilym. It's nice to finally put a name to you. Maybe now you can stop calling me handsome stranger and start calling me handsome Gwilym?" I instantly flush with embarrassment. 

"Wow. I was seriously hoping you would be too drunk to remember that."

"I thought we established by now that I don't forget these things." He laughs which causes me to smile. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to your run." Oh gosh, no. Please don't go yet. He starts to head off, but two steps later he turns around and says; "By the way, you're not the only one who made up a nick name, 'beautiful coffee girl'."

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.


I'm once again at the coffee shop, waiting for my drink to be made. Sadly, they've taken down the peppermint latte, so I can't have that beautiful deliciousness anymore, but my usual is a close second. Nothing is going to stop me from drinking it this time. But when I turn around, I gasp in shock as someone is standing right there, but he grabs my arms to stop me from moving.

"Woah, let's try not have a repeat of that." Gwilym drops his hands and stands there with a large smile on his face.

"Thank you. I would have been quite upset about losing my coffee again. But I seriously think you should find a better place to stand" I laugh, letting him know I only mean it as a joke.

"But then I might miss the pleasure of seeing you, and I don't want that." I wait for any indication that he's joking, but there is only seriousness that I can see. We must stand there for a while, just staring and smiling at one another, because soon his coffee order is ready, and he grabs it, breaking eye contact.

"Well, I think I better go -" But I don't let him finish.

"Would you like to stay and have coffee with me?" I blurt out and he looks at me with surprise. There's my Gryffindor courage. Kinda. 

His surprise soon turns into a smile. "I would love to."

Gwilym Lee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now