And I married you because...?

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This is a weird one, but I hope enjoy it. 

Y/F/M = Your favorite movie (not Bohemian Rhapsody)


"What on earth is going on here?" I ask after I walked through the front door to see Gwilym in the weirdest predicament, while his friends from his recent film surround him and laugh.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." He says with a quiet, amused voice.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, huh? So that condom your wearing on your head is just the newest fashion."

"Oh yeah, it's definitely all the rage right now. You should try it." Joe bursts out laughing as I shake my head at him.

"How am I even married to you? Your such a dick head." I laugh and shake my head, and start to walk off into the kitchen.

"That was a beautiful pun, honey. I love you." He calls after me.

Rolling my eyes, I reply; "I love you, too."


Gwilym's POV

Just another lazy day at home watching a replay on whatever sport they've decided to play on T.V. and I'm not even paying attention to it. So, yeah, I am bored out of my mind. Y/N is also here in the house, but she's not here with me, choosing instead to read in the room which she likes to the library, but is really the study room. But I really wish she was here right now, it would make things a lot more interesting.

As if she's hearing my thoughts, the next thing I hear is a loud bang coming into the entryway of the lounge, and Y/N saying; "Oh, shit, sorry," sending me into a fit of laughter.

"Hey, Y/N." I say as she enters the room, her head coming up over her newest book obsession. "I know walking into the wall is your thing, but did you just apologize to the wall, too?" I can see Y/N's cheeks go red with slight embarrassment, and I can't help but find that endearing.

"What? I-no. I have no idea what your talking about." I can't help but laugh. "Oh, shut up." She whines, but an amused smile plays at her lips.

"And I'm married to you because...?"

"Because you love me." She says as if it's obvious, which it is.

"Dang, your right, I do." She walks up behind me behind the couch, leans over and places a quick peck on my lips.

"And I love you, too."



"Hey, Cariad. Can you please record something for me?" Looking up at Gwil over my book. I immediately smile when I see him in his Brian May clothing and wig, holding out his phone to me. Putting down the book, I accept the phone with a smirk on my face.

"This better not be for one of your weird sex fantasies, Gwil."

"Now, that's a good idea." He laughs. "But sadly it's not for that. Ben dared me to do something and all you have to do is record. Oh, and don't laugh."

"That may be easier said than done, but okay." I shrug, and press record on his phone.

And then, to my utter surprise, he starts dancing and singing; 

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. 
Life in plastic, its fantastic.
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere..."

I can't help it, I burst out laughing. "Honey, you weren't supposed to laugh." I stop the recording on the phone.

"Tell me, how can I not laugh when you do something like that without any warning?"

"You got me there." He says, scratching his non existent beard, making me laugh.

"And I'm married to you because...?"

"Because this is quality entertainment." He moves closer to me so he has his hands on either side of me on the couch, his face inches from mine. 

"Can't get it better than this." I whisper, smiling up at him as my eyes flicker between his eyes and lips.

"That's right honey." He leans down and kisses my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say softly, meaning every single word.

"Now, do you think you can do it again without laughing this time?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Oh, I don't know. But, I'll give it a shot."


Gwilym's POV

"Why are you upside down on the couch?" Is the first thing I say to Y/N when I get home.

"I think the real question here is, why aren't you upside down on the couch?" 

"Wow, what an amazing comeback, honey." While the idea seems weird, her smile is what makes me move over to the couch and sit upside down with her watching Y/F/M. I can immediately feel feel the blood rushing to my head and wonder how the hell can she do this for so long?

"Okay, I'm upside down on the couch. Now, why are we doing this?" I look over to Y/N, absolutely sure my face is incredibly red by now, but somehow hers is still as beautiful as ever.

"Because I'm bored and wondered what it would look like watching my favorite film upside down."

"Wow. You definitely know how to keep things interesting." I manage to say, the smile on my face not leaving anytime soon.

"I know right? It's brilliant." While it's a little difficult, I move my hand over to hold hers, lacing her fingers with mine.

"I love you." I say, meaning every single word.

"I love you, too." She says, and I know she means it.

I don't know if its the blood rushing to my head, or if its Y/N smiling at me, but I'm so overcome with affection, I quickly say; "This is why I married you."

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