Moment to Moment - Part Two

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Previously on Moment to Moment.

Y/N and Gwilym met at University and after months of fighting, they finally get together. After 5 years of dating, Y/N's mother passes away. Y/N feels that she can no longer date Gwilym to try and focus on herself and try to get better mentally. Gwilym loves and understands this decision, no matter how much it hurts him.

And now back to your not so regularly scheduled reading.

Three Years Later:

He's here. After all this time, he's actually here of all places. Time seems to freeze as I take him in through the window. He's sitting at a table with 4 other guys and two girls. It's definitely a very good looking group. He smiles and laughs loudly at something the ginger haired looking guy said and I can't help but smile. He looks happy He looks good, especially with the facial hair he's decided  to grow out. I did always say he'd look good with facial hair. 

Looking away before I'm caught staring, I try to figure out what to do. If I go into the bar, he may see me. I really don't want to ruin his good time with his friends. But then my own friend has asked me to come and meet her here, and from the tone of her voice, she had another fight with her boyfriend. No, I need to be there for her. Taking a deep breath to gather the little courage I have, I walk into the bar and sit at the counter where I told Y/F/N to meet me. I make sure my back is to the group, so I'm not tempted to constantly stare at Gwilym, and also so he doesn't look up and recognize me. 

Now I just sit here, order a drink and wait. And I'm waiting... and I'm waiting... I'm waiting, and it's been half an hour. I'm on my second drink and there is still no sign of her. I check my phone for the hundredth time and unlike the other times I checked, this time I actually have a text from her.

Not coming. Rob and I are busy making up if u know what I mean ;)

I sigh. Great, she's not coming. I put my phone back into my pocket, down the rest of my drink and get ready to leave quickly, when a voice beside me makes me freeze.

"Y/N?" I turn around slowly to see Gwilym standing there, mouth agape in surprise. I can see his friends over his shoulder staring inquisitively at us, but I just focus on Gwilym. Even though I knew he was here, it's still somehow a surprise to see him up close again.

"Hey, Gwilym." I say softly, sending him a smile and trying to hide the fact that my nerves had jumped. But he doesn't hide the way his eyes enthusiastically roam over me. He soon looks back at my eyes and moves slowly to stand beside me at the counter, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" He manages to say and I can see him instantly regret the question as he closes his eyes slightly in annoyance, but I answer him anyway.

"I was just supposed to meet a friend, but she just cancelled, so..." An awkward follows and I quickly try and fill it, clearing my throat. "So, uh, how have you been?"

"Yeah, I've been great, thanks. I've just wrapped up filming with those guys." Gwilym motions over his shoulder with his head and I look over to see an empty table where the group used to be.

"So, you finished filming with ghosts?" I laugh, turning back to Gwilym and he looks slightly embarrassed when he realizes his friends have left him. 

"Well, they were there." He slightly laughs.

"I know. And I've also heard about your filming. Bohemian Rhapsody, wasn't it? I'll look forward to seeing you in it. Especially with that sexy Brian May hair." I joke, and he heartily laughs, allowing me to relax. There's another pause, but this time it isn't an awkward pause. Instead it's just us taking in one another again, eyes roaming each other hungrily, trying to see how much has changed over the three years. He honestly looks great, fit even. He's obviously kept in shape through his roles. His facial features soon soften.

"So how have you been?" He asks, worry coming onto his face and my mind can't help but flash to the last moment I saw him, tears streaming down his worried face. I don't know what I did to deserve him and his kindness. Even when I was putting him through all of that heart break, he was still nice to me. And he's being nice to me now. I can't see any hidden resentment for what I did to him. He just wants the best for me. I smile kindly at him.

"I'm doing a lot better than before. While it still hurts occasionally, I have learnt to adapt and cope. I even got a new, better job and I love every minute of it." He smiles and relaxes in his seat.

"Yeah? That's great to hear. Tell me, what's your new job about?" We launch into conversation, talking about many different topics, catching up on everything we have missed while throwing in some flirtatious comments and lingering touches here and there. It all feels familiar yet new and exhilarating in a way which I've never felt before. 

But our bubble is soon popped when an average height, muscular man waltzes up like he knows he's super hot and believes everyone else is beneath him. With attitude he says; "hey lady. Why don't you ditch the twig and come hang out with me?"

"Excuse me?" I ask, offended he would even call Gwil that. "No." I say and look back at Gwil.

"C'mon girl, no need to pretend. I can give it to you way better than he can." 

"She said no." Gwil says in an authoritative voice, standing up, which honestly turns me on a bit.

"Yeah, I said no." I stand up along side Gwil, taking his hand in mine. "Besides, no one can give it better to me than he can." This causes both men to react. Gwilym squeezes my hand before letting go. He uses that hand to slide across my back to grab my waist and pull me closer to him. The other man scoffs.


"What? You don't believe her?" Gwilym says, an edge to his voice. He looks down at me with a playful smile. "Well, Y/N, why don't we head back to mine and spend the night proving him wrong?" A smirk of my own starts forming on my face.

"I'd be delighted." Without looking back, Gwil and I head outside and grab a taxi, leaving the other man behind in stunned silence.

Throughout the car ride back to his place, we try not to give into our urges to touch and kiss one another. Instead I just sit there, my legs pressed tightly together, my hands forever fidgeting so they have something to do, and the tension between us just builds.

It's not until we step foot into his place and he closes the door where he pulls me by the hand flush against him. He still, however, doesn't kiss me. He just leans his forehead against mine and lets his hands roam slowly over my body. I can't help but close my eyes, a large smile on my face as I relish this intimate moment.

He slowly but passionately brings his lips against mine in a much awaited kiss, which soon turns very heated as if we've been starving from the touch. We pull each other so we're impossibly close and he breaks away just enough to whisper; "Are you ready to prove that guy wrong?" I smile and laugh.

"More than ready."

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