Big Hair and Strawberry Tart Part Two - Brian May

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Two uploads in one day? What is this sorcery?

It's been a couple of days since the concert and I can't get a certain guitarist out of my head. I kept replaying our whole interaction from the moment we met to when he touched my arm and winked at me. He was definitely insinuating something there, wasn't he? I mean, I wasn't imagining it was I? At least, I hope I wasn't.

But then, what's been really on my mind was his performance and the way his fingers glided over the strings effortlessly. I never understood why women have such big hard on's over musicians, but now I definitely do, which has been an absolute pain since many times this morning, I've caught myself just about over pouring my customers drinks. I need to snap out of it. But it doesn't seem like that will be happening anytime soon either, since the man of my super vivid R18 fantasies just walked in the door and took a seat at the front of the diner, right in my area.

What the hell is he doing here? I didn't think I would see him again until maybe the next time I saw John. I am not mentally prepared for this, but I shall get it done. I put on a smile and head over to Brian, all the while I'm trying to mask how shaky I am. 

"Hey, Brian. I'm surprised to see you here." Such an understatement, but at least my voice is surprisingly even. Brian smiles warmly, and I can instantly feel my nerves shoot up.

"Well, John said the other night after you left that you worked here and I thought I would check you out - I mean, c-check this place out." He quickly tried to fix his word vomit, but having heard it, my cheeks go on fire, and I have to avoid his eyes for a minute. "I'm surprised to find that your a waitress, though." He states after a moment of silence, making me look back up at him.

"What's wrong with being a waitress?" I ask and I can instantly see the look of panic appear on his face, like he thinks he really fucked up.

"N-no. Nothing's wrong with it! I just thought - I just..."

"I'm messing with you." I interrupt, the teasing smile slowly appearing on my face.

"Your mean." He replies with a small, relieved laugh.

"Maybe, but I'm also not only just a waitress here, too. I own this place."


"Yeah. Well, this place and a couple of others." He looks at me, mouth agape and in awe.

"That's amazing. So, you're a real business woman, huh?" I nod. "But, why are you still a waitress? Wouldn't you be busy running three diners?"

"Yeah, it does get busy, but some days I'd rather be on my feet working and interacting with people than behind the desk, interacting with basically no one."

"That's fair enough." He says before we fall into silence, staring at one another with heated gazes.

"S-so what can I get for you, Brian?" I ask, snapping out of my trance.

"Whatever you recommend." His voice is light, as if he is still in a daze.

"Alright, a pink lemonade and a strawberry tart coming right up." He instantly looks like he regrets it and I can't help but laugh. "I'm messing with you, again. Let me go get you something." I quickly get to work, not wanting to leave him for too long but also wanting to impress him before heading back with a BLT and a coffee. Yeah, okay, maybe I won't be impressing him much with this, but it is our most popular order here.

"Thank you." He says, eyeing the food hungrily, honestly making me wish I was the food.

"Not a problem. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"Yes, there is actually. I know this isn't on the menu, but can I get a date with you tonight?"

"Ha, smooth." I say before I can stop myself, even though all I am feeling is a sudden burst of excited energy.

"Why thank you," he says with a cheeky grin. "But what do you say?"

With a smile, I calmly say; "I finish at seven."

"Great. Perfect." I start to walk away to serve other customers, but he stops me once more. "But there is one more thing. Please can I have that strawberry tart?"

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