Big Hair and Strawberry Tart - Brian May

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Oh my gosh. What is this? Is this an update? What a rare site to behold.

"How is it I've never been to one of your concerts? You've been playing together for a couple of years now!" I say as John walks me back stage, his hand holding mine, like he normally does. 

"Probably because you're a terrible friend who would rather work than see her best friend perform."

"Hey!" I jokingly shout, letting go of his hand to push him playfully. 

"I'm messing with you," he laughs.

"You better be. We all know it's because I'll make fun of your disco dancing."

"My dancing is not bad, though."

"No, it's not. It's absolutely adorable and that's why I want to make fun of it. It's my duty as your best friend, after all." I nudge him with my elbow, making him roll his eyes but I see a small hint of a smile. I count that as a win.

"Ha ha. Can your snarky ass wait here while I grab my bass or can you not hold it in for the two minutes I'll be gone?" This time it's my turn to roll my eyes. 

"I'm sure I can hold it in until your back, smart ass." John chuckles as he heads off to grab his bass, leaving me to stand there, rocking back and forward on my heels as I look around. I'm not left alone for long when I hear a voice closing in from behind me.

"I'm sorry love, but I don't think you're allowed back here." I quickly turn around to see who spoke and am immediately taken aback by the tall, sex god walking towards me. But it seems like I'm not the only one surprised as the sex god faults in his step, his eyes going slightly wider before he tries to regain his composure. I better try and do the same.

"Sorry," I manage to say with a smile on my face, "I'm just waiting for John to get back with his bass. I'm Y/N." I hold out my hand and he instantly takes it, his eyes not leaving mine. 

"Brian." His voice seemed to become lower, huskier. "So, you're the friend John was bringing here tonight. Well, it's nice to finally meet you."

"So," John says suddenly from behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, making me jump and drop his hand. I have no idea why I just got a fright. I'm not usually jumpy. "I see you've met the biggest head of them all." I can see Brian eyeing John's hand on my shoulder and I suddenly feel awkward in the familiar touch.

"You're just jealous, John, that you can't grow hair as amazing and lustrous as mine." Brain plays it off. I can't help but chuckle and John rolls his eyes, stepping closer to Brian and dropping his arm from my shoulder.

"I don't know how I can be jealous when there are literally birds nesting in there. How does it feel to be constantly shat on?" I'm about to hear Brian's reply when I feel another body close beside me, in the spot John used to occupy.

"Don't pay any attention to them, dear. It would be uncommon to not hear them fight like this." I look beside me to see a long, black haired man with eccentric clothing standing beside me and I automatically know that I am going to like this person. 

"I don't mind. It's pretty entertaining." 

"Trust me, it gets boring after a while." I can't help but chuckle. "I'm sure you know who I am, but in case John didn't grace your life about me, I'm Freddie."


"Ah, so you're Y/N. John's best friend. How is John not dating someone as cute as you?" Probably because he has his eyes on someone else, I think. 

"Watch it Fred. You have a girlfriend." A blonde haired guy, possibly the drummer judging by the drum sticks he's holding , comes in beside Freddie, wrapping his arm around him. "Me on the other hand. Hello, gorgeous." The blondie winks at me but I just roll my eyes, From his looks and his smooth talking, he's definitely the playboy of the group and definitely not my type.

"Stay away, Roger. She's not one of your play things." John pipes up, glaring at Roger.

"Let the girl have her say before you completely shut us down, Johnny boy. So, what do you say, sweetheart? Do you want to have an adventure tonight?" He wiggles his eyebrows so I can't miss his insinuation. I feel someone move closer behind me, as if they are trying to protect me, but when I look over, it's not who I thought it was going to be. Instead, it's Brian who stands there with his arms crossed, glaring at Roger, and making me feel hot all over. Seriously, what is up with these guys? I've only been here for not even five minutes and they're already trying to flirt with me. But my answer is simple with Roger.

"I just came here to watch a concert, so I'm going to have to decline your proposition. But I'm sure many girls will be more than happy to just get an invite for that adventure."

"As entertaining as it is to watch Roger get declined by a girl," Freddie begins, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're going to have to wrap it up here seeing as we have a crowd full of people waiting for us to perform." 

They all start to leave, John kissing my cheek before walking backwards and waving at me. The only person lagging behind is Brian who looks at me as if he has a million things he wants to say, but, from the sigh he gives, he decides against it. Touching my arm, he says instead; "enjoy the show," winking at me before he leaves and I'm left there tingling all over from his touch, muttering; "Oh, I will."  

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