Sounds like a plan

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You know, most people who are engaged would seem to never be apart, and would seem like they are connected by the hip. But not Gwilym and I. We've been engaged for a while now, but it seems that it is rarer to see us together than apart. But I blame that on our busy work schedules. Quite often our work leads us to new cities or even overseas, but for completely different reasons. He's out filming, I'm out interviewing celebrities for my magazine.

That's actually  how I met Gwilym. I was interviewing him and the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody, when he came up to me afterwards to ask me on a date. His friends were listening though, and wouldn't stop poking fun at him for it. 

But the long distance thing isn't too bad for us. We knew what we were signing up for and I do not regret it at all.

"Y/N!" I hear Gwilym shout from our bedroom, and I make my way down the hall in my bathrobe and lean against the door frame. He's standing there shirtless, a towel hung dangerously low around his waist, his hair dripping water down his neck and chest and down... and I freely let my eyes roam all over him. What? I'm allowed to. We're engaged and I've seen everything. But that doesn't mean that I don't get made fun of; "Like what you see?" Gwilym asks with a teasing smile and a seductive voice.

"Obviously." I reply, making him laugh. "So, what did you call me in here for?"

"I was just thinking..." He starts walking towards me slowly, his words slow and deliberate, "since we both have the day off together, we could go do something in town?" Wait, what? That's not where I thought that was going. But once he's in front of me, he wraps his hands around my waist and brings me flush against him. "And then we can go for dinner, come home and do whatever the hell we want." I can feel the water sinking into my robe and cling onto my skin, but I don't mind at all. Instead, I wrap my arms around his neck to be closer to him.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Great." He leans down and presses a soft kiss against my lips. "I want us to try and leave in about 20 minutes."

After about an hour of... getting ready, we finally head outside, hand in hand, and head through the large park that leads to the town. It seems that everyone is enjoying the day with their significant other as people are seen walking around, hand in hand, just like Gwil and I.

But as soon as we get into town, Gwilym sees a music shop and immediately pulls me into it and goes straight for the guitars. The way he's eyeing them is like he's found a long lost friend.

"Why don't you play me something?" I ask, making him look down at me with a smile.

"Okay." He reaches for the guitar in front of him, a beautiful black and red one, and starts tuning it, his leg propped up on the podium in front of us, teasing everyone's eyes with the sexy peak of his ankle. But then he brings his leg back down and starts playing the guitar solo of the song Bohemian Rhapsody. The way his body moves as he's playing, it all seems to come so natural to him now. I can see the aspects of Brian coming out, but I can also see the excited passion in his eyes as he plays. Seeing him like this is always so mesmerizing. I've never actually seen him play live, only just in that movie, but he definitely knows what his doing with those hands.

But suddenly he stops playing, snapping me out of the trance I was falling into. I'm about to ask why he stopped when he steps closer to me and says; "Let me teach you how to play." He hands me the guitar and, in surprise, I take it, unsure. "You look like a fish out of water holding that. Come on, it'll be fun. You just hold it like this..." He moves the guitar in my hands in front of my body, and I hold it there while he moves his body behind mine. "Great, now in order to play a C, you just place your fingers here..." He moves my fingers with his, his touch lingering after each placement.

Throughout this whole time, I am only aware of the way he keeps his body close to mine, or more like pressed against mine, causing me to ignore the very few people in this shop. His chest is pressed against my back and I know he can feel my quick breaths, just like I can feel his. His other hand is on my waist, his thumb brushing the bare skin under my shirt, skimming the top of my jeans. His face is right by my ear and his breath is hot on my neck. My whole body comes alive under his touch. He's definitely fucking daring. How the fuck does he expect me to focus when he's doing this?

Maybe that was a part of his plan as the next thing I know, his lips are pressed against my neck before he whispers in my ear; "Why don't we skip the rest of the day and just go straight home." As soon as I hear the words, I have to stop myself from forcing him out of the store then and there. So, instead I carefully put the guitar back in its place, turn to Gwilym with a smile and say;

"Sounds like a plan."

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