Part 5

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Manik and Nandini are still in bed, cuddled close to each other.

Nandini rests her head on his chest while Manik holds her close enough to transfer his assuring warmth. He intertwines the fingers of his other hand with Nandini's short, cute ones. They finally seem to be at peace with each other.

It is very quiet except for the faint whir of the ceiling fan.

They are still half bare. Nandini with a wet towel covering her from the chest down and Manik with a thick one wrapped around his waist. They have been under the fan for quite some time now. Enough to blow dry their hair and skin.

Nandini takes a deep breath, shivering a bit as she does. Manik looks down with concern.

MANIK: (quietly) What's wrong?

NANDINI: (sniffles, sounds stuffy) Feeling cold.

MANIK: Do you want me to turn off the fan?

NANDINI: No. It's okay.

MANIK: Sure?


Manik tightens his arm around her, encouraging her to draw closer.

She moves in and they huddle together briefly before he straightens up a bit and looks down at her. He seems worried.

MANIK: (touches her face) You're so cold.

Nandini likes his concern but doesn't show it. She chooses to nestle into his chest without a word.

MANIK: I'll turn off the fan. That's the best thing to do.


Manik steps out gently, being extra careful to not accidentally hurt her anywhere when he did.

When he does, Nandini grows a bit fidgety. Even if it is just for a little while, she can't bear to miss the comfort that his strong chest offers.

Manik turns off the fan, hurries off to the wardrobe and pulls out the first thing that he can lay his hands on. One of his shirts. A white one. He takes it to her.

MANIK: Here. Just put this on.

She glances over at the shirt and sits up with a short, stuffy sigh.

Manik waits for her to take it from him. When she does, he skips off to check his phone.

Nandini sits up on her knees, pulls off the wet towel and puts on the warm, dry shirt. She turns her eyes to Manik while she buttons it up.

From the way he paces up and down the room with a hand on his hip and the phone to his ear, it's clear, he is nervous.

MANIK: Hello. Yes. Morning boss. Just called in to say that I'll be a bit late today. There's something urgent that--- (he pauses midway, his gait slows down, and he begins to look upset) Yes, I know. But --- (pauses again. Looks more upset. His eyes seethe with anger. When he speaks again, his voice is firm and has an obvious "f**k you" tone.) Fine. I'll be there.

Hangs up quickly.

Nandini watches him intently while she fiddles with one of the buttons on the shirt. He is absolutely fuming. Enough to murder someone in broad daylight without remorse. He blindly flips through the notifications on his phone, his jaws and temples throbbing as he does. His attempts to calm down are futile.

NANDINI: (quietly) What's wrong?

MANIK: (quietly) Nothing.

NANDINI: Did he say something or what?

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