Part 12

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Manik and his parents sat around the living room couch. There was a prolonged silence, one that was mixed with excitement, anxiety and suspicions.

Nyonika looked at her husband.

He was leaning back onto the couch, with an arm over it, his expression as if lost in thoughts.

NYONIKA – (growing irritated) What are you thinking?

MR. MALHOTRA – Nothing, just thinking.

NYONIKA – It feels like a genuine offer to me.

MR. MALHOTRA – (eyes roaming on the floor) Didn't say it wasn't. Let the offer fall into his hands in the first place.

NYONIKA – It will. And he will accept it. So, don't barge in with your pessimism. I'm warning you.

Mr. Malhotra threw up his hand and made a 'what-the-fuck' expression.


NYONIKA – You heard me! It's your usual thing. The moment something good happens, you immediately kill it with your suspicions and negativity.

MR. MALHOTRA – (groaning) God. Fine! When was the last time, I did that?

NYONIKA – You've always been doing that! For every single thing, you just keep bickering!

Mr. Malhotra turned to his son who was looking lost in between their usual tantrums.

MR. MALHOTRA – Hear that? Your mother's crazy.

NYONIKA – You are!!!

MANIK – (weary) Oh please! Just shut up! Please! (taking a deep breath) Please shut up! Don't do this. Both of you! At least... not now!

He got up from the sofa with his phone in hand. There were few minutes left to 6 and he'd been waiting anxiously.

MANIK – Let the offer come, we can always decide what to do after that. Okay?

He let out an exhausted puff. Craving for some peace of mind, he walked around the couch and moved to a barren spot in the living room.

MR. MALHOTRA – (shrugging) Well, that's what I was saying. And then she started going all yakity-yak! For nothing!

NYONIKA – Is that how it happened!!!?

Manik's phone beeped, announcing incoming mail.

MANIK – Okay, just shut up now!

Pin drop silence as he quickly opened it. The more he read through, the paler and sweatier he became.

His parents watched him anxiously.

NYONIKA – What? What is it?

MANIK – (swallowing hard, quietly) It's the letter.

NYONIKA – What's in there?

Wringing his face, he handed over his phone to Nyonika with trembling hands. He stuffed them into his pockets and shrugged. He didn't know what else to do. Laugh? Smile? Shout in joy? Or just cry?

Mr. Malhotra peeked over her shoulder, trying to get a glimpse at the offer.

Nyonika gasped.

NYONIKA – This is... this is an amazing offer! (looking up) Don't wait any further! Just accept it!

MR. MALHOTRA – Give it to me.

She handed it over. Unlike Manik and his mom, he had no smile on his face. Only suspicion.

NYONIKA – What did I tell you? God will hear our prayers. Your prayers! He has seen your hard work and dedication! So, what if you had to wait longer! The biggest blessing always comes after a long wait.

Manik smiled, exhilarated. His heart thumped hard.

Mr. Malhotra wasn't listening to them though. He was busy reading in between the lines and noting the key points.

Position – Chief Operating Officer

Basic Salary – Rs. 1,45,000/- per month

Company provided car or allowance of Rs. 15,750/-

Stock Options – up to 25%

Annual Bonus – up to 2,00,000/-

Conditions of employment – Refer chapter 9

MR. MALHOTRA – I don't know. Looks too good to be true.

NYONIKA – (gnashing her teeth) Now don't you start again, I'm warning you! Don't mess up my son's life!

MR. MALHOTRA – What? I didn't --- Why would I do that? And for the record, he's my son too!

NYONIKA – Good that you realize it! Now, for a change, say something nice instead of always being a pessimist.

MR. MALHOTRA – Manik, I was only saying that you go through the terms carefully before signing. His service conditions look a bit dodgy to me.

MANIK – Those are normal terms, dad. You find that in every letter. It's standard. Nothing to worry about.

MR. MALHOTRA – I know, but I don't trust this guy. What if he's –

NYONIKA – (cuts him off) That's it! Stop it right there! Why do you have to bring in your negativity everywhere?

Mr. Malhotra relaxed, giving up the fight.

MR. MALHOTRA – (to Manik) I was just expressing my concerns, Manik, because, I've seen people. And from whatever you've told me about him, I don't think you should trust him.

MANIK – Dad, don't worry. That's what I felt too in the beginning. But... (recollecting his 'interview') ... from whatever experience I had in that cabin, I feel he's genuine. Moreover, if he wanted to cheat me, why would he give me such an offer? Why would he go through all that trouble? Plus... it's a real offer, something that will be accounted for in the books. He can't cheat me like that.

Mr. Malhotra sighed and scrunched his lips.

Manik figured out that he's a bit upset.

MANIK – Dad, don't worry. Trust me. This is what we'd been praying for. Isn't it? Think of all the things that my salary can do. We can have a better house. We can have everything we want. (To Nyonika) That modern fridge you wanted. (To Mr. Malhotra) You can watch cricket on that 55-inch flat screen. We can air-condition our home. We can get a good car! We can live the life we've always dreamed of.

Giving in, Mr. Malhotra nodded.



Manik closed the e-mail with a deep sense of regret. His father knew! But he thought he knew better. If only he'd not been so desperate and listened, he wouldn't be going through this heartache now.

All what I'd wanted was a good life for myself and my parents. Why did this have to happen? It was all going so well, until...

He recollected the moment when his house's renovation got stalled. When his salary got chopped in more than half. When he got demoted from a Chief Operating Officer to a mere Territory Sales Manager. When he had to beg for money. When he had to worry about their daily rations. All those days he cried wondering if there was an end to this misery. Why...? What misfortune struck me at that time for all of this to happen?

Only one thought came to his mind. The only event that happened to mark the beginning of his greatest downfall. Nandini...


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