Part 13

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My luck must be rotten!

Nandini cursed herself as she pulled out Manik's wet and soggy 'lucky' track pants from the top-loading washing machine.

Of all the days, the power had to blow out today, before the wash cycle could get done. I must wash them by hand now!

It wasn't easy, seeing how heavy the tracks had grown after absorbing more than four times its weight in water. She hauled it out, nevertheless, feeling a muscle pull taut in her back as she did. She ignored it, pulled up a stool, sat down and got working on the pants, scrubbing, rinsing and finally wringing it dry.

Thank God, she heaved in relief and wiped her brow, it's finally done. At least, it'll be dry and ready to wear before he gets home. The last thing I need is more complaints on why his lucky tracks weren't done.

She eyed the rest of the laundry in the machine. I'll deal with that when the power comes back on. For now, I'll put this out for drying.

She rose, when out of nowhere, a mighty spasm HACKED her lower back.

With a sharp yelp, she crumbled back onto the stool, clutching where it hurt.

Gritting her teeth, grimacing in agony, she tried to get up, but she couldn't even move a muscle. The pain was crippling. What is this? Have I broken my back? But how?

She eyed the bed desperately, wishing that someone was around to help her up so she could stretch herself out. But there was no one. Manik's parents were downstairs in their own world and Manik was at work. She was on her own, as always.

Her eyes watered from the pain. She grabbed onto whatever that could help her up. The counter. The door. She hauled herself up with a tortured snarl and took a few moments to steady herself. Getting to the bed seemed impossible. Yet, she hobbled across at a snail's pace.


Manik burst in through the swinging glass doors and strode along the aisle to Trilok's office. He loathed being here, so much that he wanted to spit on the floor. Every single object he touched, from the door handles to the very air he breathed in there made him feel revolted. Disgusted. Yet, he had no choice but to be back.

Nervous eyes followed him, that of his subordinates. They knew that he had executed what had to be done – fire the offenders. Was that why he looked so angry?

Manik paused outside Trilok's door and caught the same laughter floating out, that of Trilok and his crony old friend. Probably celebrating my downfall, he thought with a heavy heart and a throbbing jaw. His lungs constricted when all those events came rushing back to him. The job offer. How he fell for it. How he took it up only to have his dream salary chopped off by more than 50% under the pretext of recession and bankruptcy. It was all a lie, he seethed, a lie he cooked up only to destroy me.


TRILOK – (from inside the office) Manik? Is that you?

He was startled to hear his name. How'd he know that I was here? He turned the knob and pushed his way in.

Trilok was at his desk with the older gentleman across. He had that trademark sneer on his face. As for the old guy, he too watched Manik intently. There was a well-hidden smirk on his face. Clearly, they were having a good laugh while he was gone. And, it also seemed like they knew that he was outside the door, eavesdropping.

Eavesdropping? Manik felt his ears burn red in anger and embarrassment. He wasn't the kind to eavesdrop. But...

TRILOK – Why didn't you just come in?

MANIK – (fumbling) I was... I just stopped to check these docs.

Manik waved the papers in his hands, showing that he was indeed checking the docs and not eavesdropping.

TRILOK – Okay. (studying him) Everything alright? You look quite stressed.

Manik looked him in the eye and noted the ridiculous smirk on his face. How he wished to wipe it off with a tight slap. The guy clearly knew what he was stressed about and yet had raised this deliberately to poke him.

MANIK – (calmly) I'm fine. If everything's over, I'd like to go home.

Manik was trying to be polite, but he failed to hide the coldness in his voice.

TRILOK – But of course. Done with those guys, right?

MANIK – (handing over the papers) Yep.

In his fury, Manik was trying to not grip the papers too rough.

TRILOK – (taking it, flipping through) Great! You carry on, then. I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

MANIK – (sarcastic) Thanks.

Manik gave a wry smile and walked out.


Today, Trilok has successfully destroyed a few more lives.

Manik hurried to the parking lot, pulling out his phone and dialling a number as he did.

In such a way, that they'll never find work again. At least for a good few years. That's the kind of certificate he will issue them. I wish I didn't have to do this for him.

After a couple of tries, the line was finally answered.

MANIK – (opening the door, throwing in his laptop) Hello? Hello, Maddy?

MADDY – Yo, dude! Long time! What's up!

MANIK – Lots, man. Are you busy?

MADDY – Well, I'm with a client now. Anything urgent?

MANIK – Uhm... I-I wanted to meet you. Now, if possible.

MADDY – Sorry, dude. It's not possible now. I'm tied up whole week. How about we meet at Pop's Café, this Sunday?

MANIK – No, no. That will be too late. I must meet you today. Now, if possible.

There was an urgency in his voice, one that Maddy didn't miss.

MADDY – Is this something serious?

MANIK – Yes. Very much.

MADDY – Okay. It's 2:30 now. Let's meet at 7:00. My office. I don't have any free time besides that.

MANIK – (getting into the car) I'll be there.


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