Part 10

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Note: As promised, here's the latest part. It's pretty short. I wanted to write more, and in fact, there should have been more going into this part, but, if I'd gone for it, then, I wouldn't have been able to keep my promise of giving you all an update today. Hope you'll enjoy, and thank you for all the love.


TRILOK – There's something we need to talk about.

Manik shot a quick head to toe glance, studying him. Unlike the prick he'd dealt with before, this version of Trilok was warm, open, friendly, diplomatic. Surprisingly, not smug at all! Was he even the same person? He seemed completely the opposite.

Could it be possible that this was his true face? Could he be a good person for real? Or is this friendly attire just another one of his stunts? He tried to knock off his suspicions but couldn't succeed for good reason. Whatever experience he'd faced with him so far had been harrowing.

MANIK – What is it?

Trilok, too, had been studying Manik. He chuckled, as if he knew what was on his mind.

TRILOK – (gesturing to follow him) If you don't mind...

MANIK – I'm in a hurry. If we can finish it up here, whatever it is, nothing more like it.

TRILOK – I wish I could. But... the one you need to speak to is in my cabin.

The one I need to speak to? Who?

Manik was curious.

MANIK – Who? And what is this about?

TRILOK – You'll learn. If you follow me.

No, a voice kept nagging him.

Trilok continued to smile, very well knowing what Manik was battling over.

TRILOK – I won't keep you for long. That's a promise.

Reluctantly, Manik took his first step and accompanied Trilok to –


Trilok held the teak door open while Manik shuffled in. His cabin was impressively huge and luxurious.


Trilok gestured to the visitor's chairs across his huge, glossy desk and went around to settle onto his large, comfy chair.

MANIK – (sitting down) I thought someone would be here.

TRILOK – Sorry, I should have specified. (Picking up his phone, dialling a number) The one I need you to speak to is indeed in my cabin, virtually, that is.

Manik raised an eyebrow. This guy is out to waste my time!

Trilok turned on the phone's speaker and the sound of the ringing phone from the other end filled the cabin. Finally, the call is answered by a gruff, male voice.


He sounded British, and his voice was so familiar to Manik.

TRILOK – Lloyd. Trilok here.

LLOYD – (laughing) I know, you old dog.

TRILOK – So, did you check on the stuff I'd sent last morning?

Manik listened carefully. What stuff?

LLOYD – Of course! Great quality and service like always! And... I loved your surprise gift.

Grinning from ear to ear, Trilok leaned back onto his chair with a loud creak, mightily impressed with himself.

TRILOK – I'm glad! It's nothing compared to what you've done for me.

LLOYD – Ah! Don't even mention it. A guy like you deserves nothing but the best.

TRILOK – Speaking about the best, he's sitting right across me. I believe he'd love to know the full story.

He looks up at Manik, his eyes never leaving him.

Manik was processing this information. He couldn't digest how someone could ever find Trilok a role model. An example for the business world. What surprised him more was how Trilok praised him.

LLOYD – Of course! That's what I'm here for. Manik. You with me?

Manik was lost in scrutinizing these events. What's going on?

MANIK – (a bit startled) Uh - Y-yes. Lloyd. Hi.

LLOYD – Hi. Manik, I owe you an apology for yesterday. And, an explanation, but first, let me congratulate you. Congratulations!

Manik wasn't understanding anything at all. Was all this a joke? What's going on?

MANIK – Uhh... thanks... but... what is this for?

LLOYD – You've just passed TriCorp's interview with flying colours.


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