Part 11

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LLOYD – You've just passed TriCorp's interview with flying colours.

Manik wasn't sure that he heard right.

MANIK – (brows clumping) Interview?

LLOYD – Yup, an interview.

He paused to let that sink in.

Manik went back to where it all started – a delayed delivery and his subsequent conversation with Trilok that turned sour. Was it all done on purpose as part of an interview? Never has he heard of such a selection process.

Lloyd seemed to read Manik's thoughts.

LLOYD - Kind of strange, isn't it? (Pausing) That's Trilok's style. Let me explain.

Trilok smirked and rocked a little on his chair.

Manik hung on to every word, eager to know what this was all about.

LLOYD – Trilok had been watching you for a while. Quite a while, I'd say.

Manik's gaze shifted to Trilok and stayed.

LLOYD – He was mighty impressed with your working style, your no-nonsense attitude, your loyalty to the company... So, he told me, 'I want that guy'. And I was like... 'are you sure he's the guy you want? I know he's got the best ethics and morals, he's the kind of guy any company would die to have.' And then... he was like, 'I'm going to find out.' And... that's what this was all about.

Trilok watched him closely, thoroughly enjoying his reaction.

Clearly, Manik was flabbergasted at the turn of events, and, probably even embarrassed at the way he had lashed out at Trilok. It was there on his face.

LLOYD – You've scored exceptionally well in all criteria.

Manik's wheels are spinning. I did...? What criteria?

LLOYD - And Manik... (a little awkward) I... apologize for that nasty stunt I pulled yesterday. I know I pushed you guys into panic saying that I didn't have the package and all, questioning your ethics etc... when in fact, I already had it much before time. (Pausing to register Manik's shock) Yeah, Trilok had it delivered to my company's doorstep.

Trilok swayed a little on his chair, making it creak, all the while, his eyes on Manik.

LLOYD – So now you know the full story, at least from my end. Now Trilok will fill you in with the rest of the story. (Laughs)

Manik looked up at Trilok, his mouth a little open in disbelief.

Smiling and extra pleased, Trilok turned his attention to the phone.

TRILOK – You've been a great sport, Lloyd. You've helped me to find my best manager yet. How do I even thank you?

LLOYD – Possibly with another surprise gift?

Trilok burst out laughing. Lloyd joined in.

LLOYD – (laughing) You're one clever son-of-a-bitch, Trilok. How did you even know that I wanted that? And just like the one I'd dreamt of.

TRILOK – (chuckling) Well, that's TriCorp's speciality. Understanding our customers and meeting their requirements on a personal level.

LLOYD – You sure do. I can't thank you enough. I love it!

TRILOK – Glad you do!

LLOYD – Ah! Now that you've found your man, you might as well get on with him. I'll meet you this weekend at the clubhouse like we discussed.

TRILOK – I can't wait.

LLOYD – You have a great time man, bye.

TRILOK – You too, buh-bye!

They hung up. When Trilok turned to Manik, he was gaping at him, dumbfounded.

TRILOK – (leaning forward, locking his fingers) So, Manik!

Realizing that he was sporting an expression he didn't want to, Manik immediately straightened his face out and put on the most serious one ever.

TRILOK – I understand that you're probably a little shocked at the turn of events. Right?

A brief pause. Manik shifted his gaze to a portrait on the wall, sighed quietly and looked back to Trilok.

MANIK – I won't lie. I am.

Trilok chuckled.

TRILOK - First, I'm very sorry for putting you through all that trouble.

Manik sat quietly, not sure on how to react. He still couldn't shake off the surprise.

TRILOK – My only intention was to understand you, know more about you. And I must say, I'm very impressed. You're the kind of guy I need. I must be very lucky.

Trilok studied him briefly. Manik's face said it all, he had questions. A lot of them.

TRILOK – To fill you in, I've been hunting for a guy to head the operations of my company. It's been a while. Quite a while, I'd say. But, sadly, I couldn't find anyone. And then, I discovered you.

Manik sat still. Was he supposed to feel impressed? As of now, he was still confused, especially at this different face of Trilok. Is this how he really was? Or, was it just pretence? Maybe not. Why would anyone pretend to offer a job? The whole set up could be for a genuine cause.

Manik was curious to see what Trilok had up his sleeve. If it was a great job offer, (that's what it all seemed like), then, why not? What's wrong in taking it up? After all, that was his dream, to secure a well-paying job so that he can take good care of his family, so that they could have anything they wanted contrary to the poverty-stricken life they'd led once upon a time. Truth be told, he was fed up of his current job and company. It wasn't offering him the challenges he'd yearned for or the package he deserved.

TRILOK – I know you'd like to know more about this position, you have the right to. So, I'm going to make you an offer for the role of TriCorp's Chief Operating Officer which I hope would match your expectations. Plus, it'd have all the details of the position you'd be taking up. I'll have it delivered to your e-mail this evening (glancing at his watch) around 6:00 PM. I'll need your personal email ID to send it across.

Manik was.... STUNNED! Chief Operating Officer!!! A top management role with a company like Trilok's. Am I dreaming? Could it be true? Or is this all just a hoax?

Trilok studied Manik's reaction. He knew what was going on in his head.

TRILOK – I understand that everything's happened a bit too fast. I won't ask you to hurry up, you can take your time and go through the offer thoroughly. Also, you're free to ask me questions, if any.

MANIK – But my company...

TRILOK – (nonchalantly) I know. Is a competitor. And you aren't supposed to work with your competitor. But don't you worry about that. I'll take care of that, that is, if you want to come onboard.

Manik puffed out some stress through his mouth.

MANIK – Okay. I'll wait for it.


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