Part 8

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Manik makes his way along the aisle. From the workstations clustered around, he spots several faces turn and peer at him. He slows down and comes to a pause while glancing around for answers.

MANIK: (sighs long, in a low voice) Guys. What's going on?

One of those who had been watching him all the way from Trilok's cabin, looks down. He sighs, rolls away from his table and inches towards Manik. This guy's name is Bunty.

BUNTY: (quietly) Big mess, sir.

MANIK: (crosses his arms, leans onto a table) What happened exactly?

The others too, pull away from their workstations and listen with full interest. It is clear, they look up to Manik as their true leader – someone they can depend on and confide in.

BUNTY: Hemant and the others wanted a raise. So, they blocked up Trilok's office this morning and wouldn't let him pass.

MANIK: (eyes widen, hisses in shock) What?

BUNTY: It's not their fault either, sir. They'd been requesting for quite some time now. But Trilok...

MANIK: (straightens up) So? You guys go ahead and block up his path?

BUNTY: It wasn't us, sir.

MANIK: Whoever!

Another guy speaks up - Parvinder.

PARVINDER: His kid is in the hospital. She's dying. Cancer.

Manik is quiet. People like Hemant remind him that he's not the only one who's suffering. He can't reason with his team on the company's behalf. It's not like he never tried to do the best for them. It's just that Trilok never budged. But... only if they knew his plight – the sad truth, that he, a Team Manager and a Territorial Sales Manager is earning the same as his subordinates at executive level. It's pathetically miserable.

MANIK: (quietly) Was there any scuffle of sorts?

BUNTY: Not really, sir. But it was loud. Very loud.

PARVINDER: Hemant threatened to push everyone into resignation.

BUNTY: We were forced to join. But...

Manik looks away, sighs.


Manik exits the conference room with the signed dismissal letters of the culprits. He heads to Trilok's cabin.


Manik almost pushes his way in when he overhears his name from within Trilok's cabin. He pauses and listens, hears Trilok and someone else laughing. From the voice, he figures out that it's the older gentleman he bumped into earlier.

OLDER MAN: (laughs) You're unbelievable, TC! (short for Trilok Chaurasia). Who'd have ever thought that you would manage to trap that boy like this?

TRILOK: (chuckles proudly) The game has just begun.

OLDER MAN: (laughs) Easy. Don't be so hard on him. Let it go.

TRILOK: Let it go? Never! I swear, I'm going to make him cry. For every. Single. Word that he spat on my face that evening. He will regret the day he insulted me.

OLDER MAN: But got to agree, the boy's got guts. I like that. But I suppose it was because he didn't know you.

TRILOK: He will now.

OLDER MAN: What was his name again? Manik what?

TRILOK: Malhotra.

Manik just stands there, frozen, reeling with shock. His hand rests on the cold, metal knob. Everything seems so distant – the voices in the background. The ringing phones. The laughter. The hot blast from the coffee vending machine. The jeers from within the cabin continue, but nothing that he can decipher. Without another thought, he quickly walks out.

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