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Hiiii I'm sorry for the deleted fanfics. I won't update anymore soooo yeah but they're still on my phone. If you want to read then I'll republish them. And for this book I don't own Diabolik Lovers or You. I own only OCs here. Enjoy!

(Third P.O.V)

"Oi Chichinashi! Ore-sama want to drink your blood!" The voice calls for the blonde girl in the living room

"A-Ayato-kun!?" The girl turns to 'Ayato' looking surprised. Ayato takes her hand and pulls her to himself. Then bites her neck to suck her blood.

"Nghn~! Ahhn~! No!--" She moans and groans until she realizes that her voice were too loud. She puts her hands to her mouth not letting out voice anymore.

"Fufufu~ I heard some moans from here Bitch-chan~" Another man's voice comes upstairs

"Laito...Stop interrupting me!" Ayato yells at 'Laito'.

"Ayato...I told you to do this in your room, didn't I?" The man looked like a butler tells Ayato in demanding voice.

"Tch! Fine" The redhead clicks his tongue then releases Yui in his capture.

"Unfair! I want too drink from her too!" Another boy with teddy bear in his arm suddenly shows up and licks the blonde girl.

" again!? You always interrupt my precious sleep!" The albino appears out of nowhere and starts yelling make the girl startled a bit.

"S-Subaru-kun" Yui calls his name in a surprising tone.

"Just be quiet already" A lazy voice comes from the man sleeping on one of the couches. Then the argument between the brothers starts. Until...

Knock Knock Knock

The sound of knocking at the front door stops the argument.

"I'll go get it" Reiji says then walks to the front door. He opens the door then see a girl around his eyes in front of him looking so familiar to him...

Thanks for reading! Sorry for misspells and incorrects, I'm not English native speaker.
See ya! <3

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