After Story II

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Warning: Swearing
(M/N's P.O.V.)

Even though these brothers are vampires, they are kind to me...

Like, Reiji-san always teaches me parts I don't understand. Shu-san lets me listen to his music. Ayato-san and Laito-san share their food with me. Kanato-san always plays with me, so I'm not really bored when my sister is studying. And I like to take a walk along with Subaru-san's white rose garden.

(I forgot to say, but the Mukamis live in another world)

Also, their father takes really good care of me and my sister, better than the orphanage to be honest.

"Nee nee, (M/n)-kun. Teddy wants to play~" Even though he started to talk more, he still plays with his Teddy, huh...

Wait, he 'still'?

What was that?

"Yay! I wanna play too!" I completely forget whatever just happen.


It's evening, time for dinner. Yay. So everyone is gathering in the dining room.

I see my sister is trying to say something, but she realizes that it's not really polite to talk during dinner time, I mean, Reiji-san stares at her a bit.

"(M/n), did you get taller?" (S/n) asks after we move to the living room after we've finished dinner.

Wait, what?

I got taller?

"Maybe we should keep observing. If it gets worse then we should ask Reiji-san." She continues.

"Okay." I reply, then we part ways to our own room.

Let's yeet to the morning

It's morning now, the birds are chirping, the Sun's waking up small creatures around the mansion. I decide to open the window. The breeze blow softly, it feels so good.

I run out of my room and go straight to (s/n)'s room. She's not a morning person, so she's probably sleeping now.


(S/N's P.O.V.)

Ah, the crunchiness of the cookie, the sweet smell of the vanilla, life's perfec--


Oh no, my giant chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch. Please don't goooo.

I open my eyes after that one painful yelling.

"What do you want~?" I answer lazily, before I get up and stretch a bit. "Leave me aloneeee."

(M/n) runs toward the window and open the curtains, letting the light in.

"Nooooo, my eyes!" I put my hands on my eyes and flip to the other side to avoid the burning light. Then I open my eyes a bit to see the clock. "It's like 6:30 am. What do you want!?"

"It's morning! Just wake up!" He shouts before jumps up on my bed and sits on my stomach. Did he get heavier?

"Oooof FUCK!"

"No swearing, (s/n)-san." Reiji-san suddenly appears and warns me.

And he's gone.
What the hell is this chapter?

See ya <3

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