Chapter 13

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I'm fiiiiiiinally arrive at home. I'm still asking myself, why didn't I go to the night road that I found on FB?

"Onee-sama, you said that father was at school. How do you know? And what were you talking with him?" Reiji asks me while I'm sitting on one of the couches.

"He told me, and I was talking about Yui-chan if he knows something about this." I answer with serious face. To be honest, he just ruined my mood. "He said he didn't know anything."

"And you believe him?"

"No. But even if I ask anymore, he won't answer me." I say.

Timeskip again cuz I dunno wat 2 do~dunno wat 2 do 2 make u stay. (Shuta's fan, anyone?)

"If you see anything suspicious, contact me right away." I tell my brothers before they go to their school. "But, I can't go with you guys anymore, so all I can do is give you suggestions."

"Okay, we'll contact you when that happens." Reiji says, then they're gone.

I slowly walk back inside, stretching myself before something Deja Vu happen.

"You again? Why do you always come to me like a creepy stalker? And don't think I can't sense you following me." Did he read too much mystery fiction that the criminals stalk their preys and kill them?

"I just want to see if my daughter is fine."

"Me? Don't make me laugh. Why don't you try and visit your other son too?" I say with sarcasm. "And you're not the type to come without something."

"Busted, I came here to talk with you about you. Why didn't you tell me that you are a phantom?"

"And why should I? You didn't tell me anything too."

"But I'm your father--"

"And I'm your biologically son, even though my appearance is a girl. You didn't tell me why you imprisoned her." I fight back.

"...I don't know why, but I feel hurt in my chest. Whenever I see her, even if I see your face, I feel so hurt. But no matter what, I still have to take care of you..."

Karlheinz's P.O.V.

Suddenly, my eyes feel wet. I see (Y/n) widen her eyes. Then, her face change to her normal face. And there she is, my first love.

'I don't care what you did to me, but please, take care of her. Just like I did...'
And yes it's finally updated. Sry for the long wait.(that rhymes tho)
See ya<3

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