Chapter 15

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A little GL/yuri scene here. If you don't like then please leave.

Third P.O.V.

Now, all the Sakamakis except their oldest sister and Mukamis are sitting in the living room after Sakamakis got back their Sacrificial Bride.

And for Mukamis, they know that the last 2 ancestors will take her away. So they decided to join forces with their worst enemy and their step-brothers.

"So, how do we protect her? The tallest brown-haired male asks first.

"Someone have to check on her everytime." The dark-haired male with choker says.

"But who!? Or are we going to take turns?" The redhead yells.

"Yes--" Another dark-haired with glasses answers before he's interrupted.

"Yui-chan~ where are you?" A familiar feminine voice yells before the voice owner shows up at the living room's door.

"Have you guys see-- You!?" (Y/n) asks before yells at the brown-haired male.

"You!? You are one of the Sakamakis?" Yuma yells back at her. "

"You...know her?" The blue-green haired male with bandages asks his older brother.

"Yeah, I met her at the mall that day..." He answers. (Ch.4 reference)

Your P.O.V

It's him!? That titan!? Then something goes into my mind...
"Gomennasai, please don't eat me. You can take whatever you want from me." I say as I kneel and bow down Japanese style.

"Onee-san!?" All my brothers call. Then, Kou-kun starts to laugh.

"Ahahahaha! I can't take this anymore!"

"Oi!" Then, the titan starts raging.

"Wahhh! Reiji, I'm scared~" I cry as I hide behind his back.

"Yuma, calm down." The slenderman-like guy stops him before he shifts into real titan.

"So, you all are Mukamis, right? What were you guys talking about?" I ask after I calmed down.

"About Bitch-chan~" Lai-chii replies. "They said that we have to protect her because there will be 2 First Bloods kidnap her."

"Oh, then I should go check on her." I says and walk away. But stop at the door. "And last thing, Mukami."

"Yes?" They all respond.

"You're free to take my lil' bros~" I say before I run away.



"Yui-chan?" I call her as I knock on the door.

"Hai~" She answers then she opens the door. "(Y/n)-san?"

"I bought something for you." I say then I excuse myself to her room.

"Thank you..." She says, looking confused. "And (Y/n)-san?"


"Thank you...for being kind with me." She bows down. "You never drink my blood. That always makes me wonder if you ever feel thirsty, so...please take my blood."

"Ehh? It's f-fine!" Even I did say that, her scent is so tempting. "Ahhh Mou!"


"Nghn~ Hahhh~" Oh no, my homo side is showing. But...I can't stop drinking.

"Yui-chan, I'm sorry." Then, I bite her again.

"Ahhn~ It's f-fine~" She moans. Now I really want to take her.

'So this is Eve's blood, huh?' I think. Then, I pull away and lick her blood off.

"Are you alright?" She looks like about to faint.

"Y-yes. But, why didn't the others come? They usually smell my blood..."

"I used my power to cover our scents." I tell her. "If they come here, just tell them I attacked you, okay?"

"O-okay..." She stutters.

"Then, is there someone here...Ah!" I look outside the room and see a certain albino. "Subaru! I want your help here."

"Onee-sama?" He notices me, then he walks here.

"Please look after her. I'm here in my room if anything happens." I tell him before I go to my room.


Subaru's P.O.V.

We are sitting in the living room, talking about Yui before a certain albino that I really hate appears in the center.

"Good evening, my lovely sons. I have something to tell you all." He says. "All of you have to go back to the Demonic World for the ceremony. And take the Sacrificial Bride with you."

Then, he's gone... Why is he here anyway?
Now, 31st July. I'm on my way to the camp.

 I'm on my way to the camp

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And see ya<3

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