Chapter 6

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In the next morning

(Shu's P.O.V)

"Good morning Shu" (Y/N)'s feminine voice greets me from the door.

"Morning" I lazily greet her back. She takes a seat across from me, taking out her phone. She looks paler than yesterday. Being her good brother, I decide to ask her.

"Are you alright? You look pale..."(I know he's being OOC)

"Awww you care about me~ so cuuute!" I blush a little bit. 'Ahhh so she's alright.'

(Reiji's P.O.V)

I cannot believe what my eyes have just seen. That deadbeat worried about other's health! It's just, is this dream or something!? I swear today will be raining teas for sure.

(Subaru's P.O.V)

No. This isn't the real Shu. I know that he loved (Y/N)-nee, me too. But this is impossible. For his personality now, it's really impossible.

(Third P.O.V)

'No way!' All the brothers except Shu think.

(Your P.O.V)

I see my brothers except Shu. I don't know why they all wearing a shocked expression.

To be honest, I'm a little bit scared that Shu will know that last night I didn't get any sleep because I thought too much about what Karlheinz said. I just don't want my brothers to worry about me.

Since all my brothers are here, maybe I should tell them now...

"Hey guys--" I got interrupted by Lai-chii(how I call Laito).

"(Y/N)-nee~ Make macarons for me?" He whines.

"Sorry Lai-chii but it's only breakfast. I'll make them later, 'kay?" I tell him. I do see where this is going.

"Nee-san~ Cake?" Kana-yan asks me with puppy eyes. No. Too much cuteness. I can't stand it anymore.

"(Y/N)-nee-chann~ My takoyaki~" Ayaya clings to me.

"Reiji, can I?" I ask for his permission

"...sure" He says. I walk into the kitchen then start making foods.


We finish eating then I come to my room. Sit on the bed, lost in my mind again.

I haven't told them again...

I can't do this...

I'm not ready...

'You can do it, (Y/N)...' A familiar voice says.

'Mother...?' I ask that voice. But it's gone...

I then suddenly remember that time...


(Third P.O.V)

Long time ago. There were a middle-aged mother and a 5-years-old daughter, lived in a small cottage. Somewhere at the border of the town.

"(Y/N)" A woman named Amelia called out for her child after came back from her work.

"Haiii Mother" A cheerful (h/c)-haired girl answered then ran into her arms.

"How are you today?" She asked the girl with a small smile. She hadn't seen her daughter since morning because she always woke up early for her work in the town.

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