CHAPTER 3: Bitch

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I quietly followed Aisha into her bedroom. As we walked in I spotted a girl sitting on the bed next to the blue bed which am assuming must be Aisha's, she looked to me to be 20 or so but she had this natural bitchy expression to her, it was scary.

" Amma you can have this bed and that over there can be your drawer" she said " ooh and don't worry about munawar she's all bark and no bite" she said to me when she noticed how intensely I was looking at the munawar girl.

" thank you so much but will it be okay if I take a shower, I couldn't take one in the hospital before I left because ya ayman was in a hurry to leave" I said quickly but I still noticed the horrible stares I was receiving from munawar, I swear you could say it was deadly.

" ok"

With that she directed me to the bathroom, it looked so nice. It had beautiful white tiles like the ones that were in the room, I quickly stripped out of my silky gown and entered the tub, I took out the shower cap and wore it before i had my bath.
Few minutes later I was done with my shower, I grabbed a white towel that was hanging on the bathroom door to dry myself off before I entered the room. As I entered Aisha was not around she must have left to get something so I decided to ask munawar where I could find the cream.

" please where can I find the cream" I said with the sweetest voice I could come up with.

" don't act as if your some innocent girl that lost her memory or something, I know exactly how people like you are, your nothing but a Gold digging bitch. this will never be your home. " she said to me so coldly.

I wanted to insult her back but she was right this is not my home and will be never be, it took Ya Ayman a lot of effort to convince his mother to let me stay if I her insult her it would just give her a reason to hate me even more, so I decide to keep my mouth shut and wait for Aisha to return so she could give me the cream.

A few minutes later Aisha returned with a new tooth brush, a cream and some few clothes which I assume but be mine.

" gasshi ( take) ammah daddy specifically asked me to give you this" she handed me the tooth brush and cream " and to also tell you to wear this tonight" she handed me the very beautiful looking dress.

I could not help but wonder whether they were celebrating something today " are you having a program or something today" I asked.

" no we're not, daddy just really wants you to fit in. He said he wanted you to wear it for dinner today" she said.

" Is ya ayman going to be around during the dinner" I couldn't help but ask.

" yes. He is also around during but he leaves immediately after because he leaves in his own separate house alone" she said really stressing the alone.

" ok" was all I could say.

" Aisha have you seen my Victoria secret magazines, I left them here an hour ago" a tall skinny girl who looked to be around 16 said to Aisha.

" No" was all Aisha seemed to reply her with before she turned around and continued what she was doing.

" ooh you must be ammah" she turned her direction towards me. " it's so nice to finally meet you, I heard when ya ayman was asking mummy for her permission so you could stay with us. It was so surprising that he would do that" she said to me while massaging her temple as if contemplating it herself.

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