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In Owego, Shane is looking at an old video clip of his wife, Carol, and Trisha and Maria when they were children.

Carol: Maria! Go get your sister! Look at the camera!

Shane: Say hi! Say hi, girls! Girls!

Young Trisha: Daddy!

Shane: Trisha wants to play by the pool with the birds, Carol.

Carol: I know....she loves those birds....

Young Trisha: Daddy, when I get big, I want to be a birdie!

Maria walks in and notices Shane, watching the old videos of her childhood, before shedding a tear. Meanwhile, in the abandoned W.R.E.X Facility, John, James and Dominic step down into the facility, before searching the area, finding old gurneys with stained blood on the table and surgery machines.

James: God almighty....

Suddenly, a W.R.E.X Drone prepares to attack James, before being shot by a energy beam by Scarlett.

James: (scoffs)

Scarlett: Well, son of a bitch....you actually showed up.....and without your uniforms.

John: Just a business inspection trip for the Parkers along with one of our associates to the public.

Scarlett: I see....speaking of which; you bring your Super students?

James: We came byy ourselves like you asked.

Scarlett: Holy shit. There's a surprise. I thought you guys were so tight singing kumbaya, holding hands at the table and praying.

John: You should know; you were one of us.

Dominic: Cut the bullshit, Scarlett. What is this place?

Scarlett: It's an old facility from Department B-New Jersey's Defense Ministry. We got word that they were running a facility here, working on Enhumans. Our people.

James: who's "we"?

Scarlett: The Purifiers...

A short pause.

James: Jesus Christ....

Scarlett: Yeah, so?

John: Scarlett...I get Adrian is your father...but you must see that his ways of war with the humans is just foley...that path will lead to chaos, destruction and so much death on both sides.

Scarlett: (laughs) You know; I knew you were going to say that. This is why I arranged this meeting...so you can see for yourself that humans are nothing but scum...lowlife animals....this is what they do to our kind.

Dominic gives a look

John: Your mother was a human. Was she a lowlife animal.

Scarlett: Mom was a drunk human whore and she wasn't even in my life...she was too busy licking humanity's boot....just like you all are.

James: Go to hell, Scarlett.

Scarlett: You first.

Scarlett shoots an energy ray as James deflects it, before preparing to fight Scarlett. John steps in between the two.

John: Hey! This isn't what we're here for! We're not here to fight!

John: What?! She started it!

Scarlett: and I plan on finishing it, dickhead!

Before James and Scarlett can go at it again, Josh suddenly uses his bolt speed to burst into the room between the two.

Josh: You two finished yet? (to Scarlett) Scarlett....nice to see you.

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