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In space Catalyst Drones begin to attack the Meteor of Babylon, the Supers reach the core.

Quantum: This is it, team! We have to protect it!

Sun Sorceress: Yeah and what if we can't?!

Quantum: We find a way to keep this thing from crashing down to Earth.

Neon Crane: If we can't we do have another solution, Scarlett said that I could use that machine, the Xenon, to control the ship. Maybe, I can....just in case, we-

Suddenly, Catalyst Drones breach as the Supers prepare themselves for a fight as the Catalysts Drones engage the Supers in a fight with the Supers overpowering and destroying most of the Catalysts with their combat or superpowers. Power Surge suddenly yells out.

Power Surge: Everyone down!

The team ducks down, before Power Surge unleashes an electric shockwave that destroys most of the Catalyst Drones.

Neon Crane: Whoa....now, that was bad ass....

Quantum: Think you should've saved that for somethin bigger, Joe.

Power Surge: What the hell do you mean something bigger? You see something bigger here, Mr. Parker?

Inside the Dragonfly's helmet, V.O.X detects another hostile on the helmet's HUD.

Dragonfly: V.O.X? What's that?

V.O.X: We've got one more....it's bigger.

Suddenly, an advanced Catalyst armor armed with blades, machine guns and rockets, comes crashing down in front of the team. The helmet of the armor unseals itself, revealing to be Tarmac.

Tarmac: Well, goddamn....you Enhumans are damn good at building high tech shit I'll give you that....our scientists have been studying each and every one of your powers....this armor is built to beat each and every one of you...this is where the line draws heroes.....my plan is complete. I'm going to destroy this core, which will cause this entire structure to fall...it's directly above New York City...one of the most popular human cities in the whole world.....once it's obliterated, humanity will blame Enhumans and eradicate them from this world.

Quantum: What?!

Tarmac: Yes! I'm setting you freaks up. Like setting Kala up was easy.

Neon Crane: Kala?

Tarmac: That crash was staged. You think Kala would've got away that easy? I just didn't think she had a change of heart.

Neon Crane: You had her daughter hostage.

Quantum: And you're willing to sacrifice thousands of innocent human lives!

Tarmac: Thousands of humans sacrificed to save the billions out there! It's a cause I'm willing to die for!

Quantum: We're not going to let you do this.

Tarmac: (face armor seals up) You're not going to stop me, son....the Enhuman race ends now.

Tarmac, in his advanced armor, sprints toward the team, before Quantum gives out orders.

Quantum: Damn it! Dragonfly!

Dragonfly shoots at Tarmac as Mother Nature uses the grass vines to restrain him. Dragonfly flies at Tarmac and repeatedly punches him. Tarmac electrocutes his suit, transferring electricity to Mother Nature and shocking her. Tarmac stands up and grabs Dragonfly's' punch, before grabbing him by wings. Tarmac then destroys Dragonfly's wings, before tossing him into the Owl just as he flies and attempts to attack, incapacitating him as well. Power Surge and Neon Crane nod at each other, before shooting their powers at Tarmac. However, the shots bounce off Tarmacs' armor. The two then bolt speed and light dash at Tarmac, only to be caught by the throat.

The Supers (2011)Where stories live. Discover now