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In the labs, John, James, Eva, Arianna and Charles are discussing the matter of the attack.

James: Well, V.O.X is back up, but she's unable to track down Genesis....

Charles: not to mention, they managed to grab the Xenon.

Eva: I still can't believe Dominic betrayed us. He's....he—

Arianna: He's been poisoned by Tombs influence.

John: It's no doubt that Genesis destroyed the Chronicle for a reason....so no can discover his plan or find him....

Eva: but what did he mean by another Enhuman in Chicago? Another Enhuman with neon powers?

Trisha walks in.

Trisha: That's exactly what I was about to talk about....what did he mean by that? Is there another one out there besides me?

Charles: What about that woman you got your powers from?

Trisha: Kala? She's dead.

Arianna: Are you sure you saw her die?

Trisha: Yes....yes, I'm-I'm pretty sure she died....she practically killed herself in an explosion to avoid being captured by Tarmac and his soldiers.

James: Look, we'll worry about the other neon Enhuman later...right now, we need to track down Genesis.

Trisha: Guys...I-I'm sorry....I tried to stop Genesis...but-

John: Trisha, we do things as a team....it's what keeps us and others alive...thank you for trying though.

Trisha: You're welcome....why did Genesis spare you?

John: Adrian and I may be enemies but we would never kill each other.

In the Purifier Base on the Meteor of Babylon, Dominic looks down at Earth from his new quarters, before Genesis approaches him.

Genesis: Amazing view, isn't it? You have to wonder if God made the world, who's to say that Gods should take over it? We....Enhumans...we are the image of God....not humans...you regret your decision?

Dominic: No....I only wish our Enhuman brothers and sisters could see a view like this. My only regret was not choosing to fight with you sooner.

Genesis: (laughs) I have to give you credit....telling us about the Xenon proved useful.

Dominic: Seeing what's been happening to our people in New Jersey; it opened my eyes. Why fight for the human oppressors when they care nothing about our people? I want to help give the Enhumans a chance. The respect they deserve. Tell me; what do you intend to do with that machine?

Genesis: This thing was built to control Enhumans and synthetic beings...well; maybe, I'll even out the playing field.

In the Tower, James is on the computer in the S room as Trisha enters.

Trisha: Hi, James.

James: Trisha....

Trisha: Finding anything on the computer?

James: No...I'm trying to track the movements of Scarlett and the rest of the Purifiers.

Trisha: Why do you think he did it? Dominic? Why do you think he betrayed us?

James: The hardships he's seen have radicalized him. He's tired of how Enhumans are treated.

Trisha: Aren't you?

James: Yes...but that doesn't mean what Genesis is doing is right. His methods are brutal.

Trisha: Your Dad and him were friends once, right?

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