Chapter 1

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„Elia Martell! What by the seven gods are you doing!", a voice shouted loudly while I was in the middle of a sparring with my 3 cousins. I had just escaped Obaras spear by the skin of my teeth, determined to use my own as defence, when my concentration got interrupted.

A small sigh passed of my lips what draw a chuckle from Tyene and some quiet but taunting laughs of Obara and Nymeria. I threw a devastating look on them before I turned around. It was my brother Trystane followed by his bride-to-be Myrcella Baratheon. A little smirk appeared on my face. Even if these two pretended to be very cautious with each other in public I had catched them once or twice very closely.

„Oh my dearest brother!", I replied cheerfully, „how may I help you and the future member of our family? You don't need to be so shy, we are all very close in Dorne" Trystans face looked suddenly pale and a little bit of regret came over me. Although I loved teasing my brother, I never meant to hurt him. Fortunately his condition seemed to improve fastly.

„Father is looking for you. You should come into his solar immediately."

I sighed much louder than before. The sparring was definitely over for me. I took my spear and turned around.

„Hurry up, perhaps you will finally have a betrothal!", Tyene shouted mockingly and even I couldn't smother a small grin. Although I was already in the perfect age for a marriage, my father never forced me to choose a husband.

„Not even in your dreams!", I answered laughing while walking straight to the solar of my father.

The climate in Dorne was as pleasant as always, a perfect heat mixed with a soft wind, coming by from time to time. I stood still for a moment and enjoyed the sun on my tanned skin. I had the typical dornish hair, dark as the night but my eyes were deep as the water in the ocean. With 5.5 feet I was neither small nor huge and my curves were well seen. I had never been as thin as Myrcella or as huge as Obara. From all of my cousins, Tyene was my favourite. We were not only the same age but also grew up as close as sisters. As children Tyene and I were inseparable. Sometimes I felt closer to her than to my own brother. I remembered how we once sneaked out in the middle of the night because we wanted to see the falling stars. Half of Dorne were looking for us and when they finally found us and brought us to my father... I had never seen father the same as furios as relieved at the same time. Tyene and I have been through a lot of adventures together. Although she was a Sand I never treated her differently. Myrcella once told me how bastards were treated in Westeros. What a cruel world. I wouldn't know if I liked to live there.

There were only a few steps to the solar and as soon as I reached it, I spotted my father, sitting in his wheelchair, starring out of the window. He was rarely here, usually he sat outside, watching over the children, so it had to be something serious.

„Father, Trystane told me you're looking after me. Is everything alright?" A small concern came over me. Since my fathers health had worsened, I was afraid that something might happen to him. I didn't want to lose him and the fact that he wanted to meet me here didn't help to decrease my fears.

„Yes, my sweet child it is. In fact I have a little surprise for you." He looked at me with an inscrutable mien, it seemed like he was searching the right words.

I frowned for a moment. What could he mean? With a flick of the hand he indicated me to take a seat. Slowly I followed his order. My father sighed, but before he could say another word the door opened again. It was my uncle Oberyn.

„Have you told her the news yet?", he asked and a wide grin appeared on his face while he leaned against the wall.

„I was just about to, my dear brother."

My sight switched between these two man. I was definitely confused. Was Tyene right? Was I about to get married?

„What the hell is going on?" I inquired directly and a little bit panicked.

„Elia!" My father gave me a stern look which made me directly a few inches smaller. He hated it when I swore like a trooper.

„I'm sorry father", I muttered and looked to the ground, „I was just curious and impatient."

His face became more gentle but his eyes seemed to get sadder. It wasn't the first time I saw this look in his eyes. When I was younger I always took the blame on me but sometimes it also happened while I didn't do anything. With my uncle it was the complete opposite. Although he sometimes seemed a little melancholy while watching me, there was always joy and some kind of determination in his eyes. I once asked them if I remembered them on mother, but both declined to talk about her. It confused me 'cause father often talked with Trystane about her. I've never known her. Trystane was barely an infant when she died and at this time I had only passed one nameday. Suddenly my fathers voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

„As you may already heard, the kings wedding will take place very soon in Kings Landing. Of course House Martell has been invited, too. My health condition makes it impossible for me to take my rightful place there. As my oldest child and heir I ask you, Elia, to travel with your uncle and to represent House Martell."

My gasp was taken away. I would have expected anything, from getting married to being expelled, but not this. This was not only the first time that my father has pronounced me as his heir, it would also be the first time that I would leave Dorne. In Dorne it was common that the oldest child takes the place after the father dies, but not in Westeros. After gathering my thoughts for a moment I took a deep breath before I spoke again.

„Father as much as I'd be delighted to represent our house, don't you think the People in Kings Landing might take it as an insult when it's me and not you or Trystane?"

My father throw a determined glance at me.

„Then they should take it as one."

I turned to my uncle who finally chimed in. I had never sampled that he had been quiet for so long.

A moment of silence set in before my father started to speak again.

„You are the future, Elia Martell. You have always been. Go to Kings Landing with your uncle. I want you to get to know the city, the people, everything. But do me one favor - come back."

A fugitive smile streaked his face and for a moment I could see the man he must have been when he was younger.

I rose out of my chair and hugged him for a moment.

„Always, father."

I smiled at my uncle and left the room, trying to sort my thoughts. The idea of leaving Dorne and going to this place where everything was different really scared me, especially when I didn't want to leave my home. But he was right. As his heir it was my responsibility. I decided that I would think about it later and talk about it with Tyene.

Shortly before the door closed I heard my father say something.

„Take care of her Oberyn. In her blood flows the blood of the Martells. Don't let her be taken away."

I stopped for a moment, too curios how this talk would go on.

„Always brother. I will not let her end like -"

The door closed with a thunk.

That was the first Chapter...I hope you enjoyed it!

Picture source: Pinterest

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