Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been a couple of days since I've seen Creeper but we talk every night. I'm at work and in the back when Gracie and I hear bikes pull up. She walks out to the office and I am still in the back checking vitals. A couple of minutes later, I hear a familiar voice behind me. "You not gonna come say hello Princess?" Creeper asks. I turn to face him and as I walk up, he hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Hey Creeper." I say as I hug him back. "When are you leaving?" I ask. "In about an hour. Wanted to come check on you two before we left and let you know that the Prospect will be checking in on you guys while we're gone." he tells me. "How long will you be gone?" I ask. "Couple of days." he tells me and I just nod. Cupping my chin he says "And I'll call you every night Princess." he tells me. "That's okay. Just concentrate on what you need to do and I'll see you when you get back." I tell him and he just looks at me a second. "I'll call you every day. I like our calls. I always sleep better after." he tells me. "Me too." I tell him and he pulls me into another hug and we just stand there wrapped around each other. "Time to go brother." one of the other guys calls out and he lets go of me and says "I'll call you tonight." I nod and say "Please be careful." He kisses my cheek and says "Always Princess." before heading out the door behind his brother. I can't help the sigh that comes out. I just shake my head knowing I will never be enough for him.

That night, I am sitting on the couch, and my phone rings. "Hey." I say as I answer. "Hey Princess. How was your day?" he asks. "It was good. Got a lot done after you left. Got to release a couple of patients too." I tell him. "That's good babe." he says and I feel my heart clinch at that term of endearment. "How was your ride?" I ask. "It was good. Uneventful." he tells me. "Good. When do you come home?" I ask. "Leaving out tomorrow night. Should be home by morning." he tells me. "You're going to sleep when you get back right?" I ask. "For a bit and then I might come see my Princess." he says. "Creeper..." I start. "I know what you said but I won't give up on you. I like you. A lot." he tells me. "I like you too but I can't move on until I get my ex to leave me alone and it doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon." I tell him. "Why do you say that?" he asks. "He's still calling and texting. I don't respond and I don't answer but he's not letting up." I tell him. "Why did you split up?" he asks. "He was cheating on me for months. Telling me that it was my fault that if I were prettier and thinner that he would want me and not have to step out." I tell him. "Well, that's bull shit. There's not a fucking thing wrong with you." he tells me. "Creeper..." I start and he stops me again. "There's nothing wrong with you. I think you're fucking perfect." he tells me. "I really like you Creeper. I just wish he would let me move on you know?" I ask. "I know baby. He will soon and when he does, do you think you could give me a chance?" he asks. "I think it's something we could talk about for sure." I tell him. "Fair enough." he tells me. "I better head to bed. We got an early morning." he tells me. "Goodnight Creeper." I say. "It's Neron." he tells me and I smile. "Good night Neron." I say. "Goodnight Princess." he says before we end the call and for the first time in a while I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

I get up the next morning and head to work. Walking into the office, Gracie looks at me and asks "Is that a smile I see?" I flip her off and start laughing. "Shut up." I say as I blush. "And you're blushing. Did you talk to Creeper last night?" she asks. "We talked for a bit. Talk just about every night." I tell her and she smirks. "Don't. I told him I couldn't get anything started with him right now until I get Chris to leave me alone but I did tell him that once I got him to leave me alone that having something with him was something we could talk about." I tell her. "He's a good one. Loyal and protective. Been a long time since he's had someone steady in his life." she tells me. "I like him a lot. He's sweet and easy to talk to." I tell her and she smiles before hugging me and telling me how happy she is for me. "Now to get Chris to leave me alone." I say.

That night when I get home from work, I sit on the couch and my phone rings. "Hey Neron." I say as I answer. "Hey baby." he says and I can't help but smile. "How's your run going?" I aks. "Good. Everything running as planned so far. We'll be heading out here shortly." he tells me. "So I get to see you tomorrow?" I ask. "I promise. I'll come by and see you for a few. Maybe after you get off work we can get dinner or something." he says. "Neron, are you asking me on a date?" I ask, a little shocked. "Yeah. I am. So what do you say?" he asks. "I'd like that." I tell him and I hear him sigh. "What?" I ask. "I was thinking. I know you don't want to get anything started really until you get your ex out of the picture but would you be open to just spending time together and seeing where it goes? No pressure just letting it happen as it happens?" he asks. "I think I can handle that. I really like talking to you." I tell him. "Good. Well, baby I better jump off here. Gotta get shit ready to head back." he tells me. "Okay baby. Please be safe." I say. "I will. See you tomorrow. Sleep sweet Princess." he says before we end the call and I am smiling ear to ear.

After getting off the phone, there's a knock on the door. I open the door and see Chris standing there. I try to close the door but he's faster than me and pushes his way into my house. Shutting the door behind him, I back away from him. "Chris please leave me alone." I almost beg. "And let you be with someone else? Not happening babe. You're mine and you will always be mine." he says as he makes his way towards me. Backing me against the wall, he grabs me by my hair and says "You're nothing more than a fat fucking piece of shit. I own you." he says and I try to pull away from him but he yanks my hair again and tosses me to the floor and starts punching me in the face and ribs. "You better get this place packed up. We leave tomorrow night heading home." he tells me and I just nod. He lets me go and says "Good little cunt." Kicking me in the side one more time, he walks out the door.

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