Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Waking up the next morning I am in bed alone. I get up and slowly get dressed before heading down the hall and to the main room. As soon as Creeper sees me, he rushes to me. "Hey. I got you." he says as he helps me to a chair. Gracie walks out with a plate and some coffee for me. He sits down next to me and kisses me softly. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "Sore but better I think." I say. He caresses my cheek and says "You know I won't let anything else happen to you right?" he asks. "I know baby. I trust you." I tell him and he smiles softly before kissing me again. I see Bishop walk up and I say "Thank you guys. Seriously. If he would have gotten me back to Tennessee, he would have killed me." Bishop sits down and asks "What makes you think he would have gone that far?" I look at Creeper and see he's listening close. "When we were together, he used to tell me all the time that if I left, he'd kill me. At first I thought it was just something that he would say to scare me but when he gave me the abortion, he was going to let me bleed out. It was one of his friends that called the ambulance for me." I tell them and they just nod. After talking for a few more minutes, Creeper looks at me after Bishop walks away and says "If you want kids, we'll figure it out." I smile softly and say "Neron, I'd like kids someday but I accepted a long time ago that I would never be a mom." I tell him. He cups my face and asks "Do you want a family with me?" I nod my head yes and he says "Then we'll have a family. I promise baby. When you're ready, I'm gonna make you my wife and we'll have our family." he tells me. I look into his eyes and see so much love and honesty.

A little later, the guys are working and Gracie is gone to the shelter to check in and I am sitting on one of the couches alone, looking at my hands, lost in thought. Taza walks over and takes a seat next to me and asks "What's on your mine little one?" I look up at him and smile softly and say "Just thinking about what Creeper said." I say, looking back at my hands. "What are you thinking?" he asks. "He said that when I'm ready, he's going to marry me and give me a family." I tell him. "You don't want that?" he asks. "I do. I do want that but, Taza, how can he want me like that? I'm so fucking messed up." I tell him and the tears start to fall. He wipes my tears and says "Listen to me little one. That man has been alone for a long time. The minute he saw you, something in him changed. We all saw it. He became more determined. More focused. Everything he did, he questioned if it would keep him from coming back to you. He never thought about that before. He didn't have anyone he cared that much for other than the club." he tells me. "He loves you." he says and I nod. Kissing the top of my head, he stands and says "It's going to be fine Mija." I nod and say "Thanks Taza."

That night, we are lying in bed in the dorm and I am snuggled into Creeper's chest and neither of us are saying anything. I feel him kiss the top of my head and I pull him closer. I just can't get close enough and I think he senses that. He tilts my chin up to look at him and asks "What do you need Princess?" I shake my head and just snuggle into him. "This is what I need." I say softly. "I love you Neron." I whisper after a few more minutes. "I love you too Gia." he says and lets out a sigh. I lay there thinking about things. He's not going to stick around now that he knows I can't have kids. No man wants that shit. Doesn't matter how much he says he loves me, no man wants a woman who's broken. I feel the tears start to fall and I pull away from him. "Hey. Talk to me." he says. "I'm okay. I'm gonna shower." I tell him and go to stand and he grabs my hand to stop me. "No. Talk to me." he says softly. I shake my head and say "I'm okay baby." before pulling away from him and heading to the shower.

I get into the shower and feel the water cascade over me as the tears fall harder. I start to sob and I feel his arms wrap around me from behind and he just holds me."I got you baby. I got you." he says and I try to pull away from him. He turns me to face him and pins me to the wall and cups my face. "Talk to me baby." he says. I shake my head and go to get out but he stops me. Pinning me back against the wall he crashes his lips with mine and I find myself melting into him. When we separate, he puts his forehead to mine and says "Marry me." I start to sob again and he pulls me close. "Neron, you don't want that." I say. Cupping my face and forcing me to look at him he says "Why don't I mean it? Because you think you're broken? Because you can't have kids? Fuck that. Doesn't matter. I fucking love you and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how fucking perfect you are. Marry me baby." he says. "Are you sure?" I ask. Crashing his lips with mine, he gives me the most soul searing kiss and when we separate, we're both gasping for air. "Marry me." he whispers. "Yes." I whisper back. He gently picks me up and enters me slowly, thrusting in and out, he makes love to me against the shower wall until we both find our release together. Getting out of the shower, he helps me dry off and into bed where he holds me and we spend the rest of the night making love and him telling me how perfect he thinks I am.

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