Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I get myself moving a little bit and grab my phone, calling Gracie. "Hey Gia. What's up?" she asks. "Gracie..." I start. "What's wrong? Where are you?" she asks, concerned. "Home. Chris." is all I get out and she says "I'm on my way." She ends the call and I just lay there on the floor. A few minutes later, I hear Gracie's car and she comes running inside. "Shit. What happened?" she asks as she kneels down beside me to help me sit up. "Chris showed up and beat the shit out of me telling me he owns me and that I need to get packed up, that we're leaving tomorrow night to go back to Tennessee." I tell her. "I'm getting you a bag and we're going to the clubhouse. You'll be safe there." she tells me. "I can't. Creeper can't see me like this." I tell her. "Fuck that. This fucker isn't getting away with this. The club will handle it." she tells me before heading to get my bag packed. Walking me out to her car, we head to the clubhouse.

We pull up and EZ is sitting outside reading a book. Looking up, he sees us pull up and walks up. Gracie gets out of the car and as she walks around she tells EZ "Get the first aid kit out." EZ nods and does as he's told and when he walks back out he sees her struggling to help me and he walks over and picks me up and carries me inside. "What happened?" he asks. "Her ex showed up. Beat the shit out of her. Told her that she's moving back to Tennessee with him." she tells him. "I need to call Creeper." EZ says and I look at him. "We all know you're his girl. I need to call him." he says and I just nod.

A little later, Gracie has me cleaned up and the guys come running into the clubhouse. Creeper comes running over to me and kneels in front of me. "Hey baby." he says. "Hey." I say softly. He caresses my cheek and asks "He do this?" and I know he's asking about Chris. I just nod. He leans forward and kisses my lips softly and says "I'll handle him but I need you to stay here." I nod and say "He told me to get packed up that we were leaving tomorrow night." I tell him. "So tomorrow night, we'll be there waiting on him." Bishop tells me and I nod. Creeper helps me up and says "You'll stay with me." I just nod and he helps me to his dorm. Walking in, he helps me to the bed and Gracie follows with my bag. She helps me get changed while Creeper is in the shower and when he gets out, I am already laying in bed. He gets into bed next to me and lays facing me. "Are you okay?" he asks softly. "I think so. I'm more scared than anything." I tell him. "He used to hit you?" he asks and I nod. "One of the reasons I left. That and he was cheating." I tell him. "Well, we're not doing this just see where it goes shit. You're with me now. You're my girl and I won't let him hurt you again." he tells me. I snuggle up next to him and say "Okay baby." He holds me close, careful not to hurt me and tilts my head up to look at him. He kisses my lips softly and deepens the kiss. I caress his cheek while he kisses me. When we separate, I say "I missed you." as I snuggle back into him. "I missed you too Princess." he whispers back. "Just get some sleep. I got you." he tells me and I let myself fall asleep in his arms.

The next morning, we get up and he helps me to the bar and Chucky puts a coffee in front of me. "Thanks." I say and he nods before moving back to the kitchen. "We're going to be in Templo but the Prospect and Gracie will be here with you okay?" he asks. "Okay baby." I say. Kissing me softly, he whispers "I got you baby." before heading into Templo with his brothers. Gracie walks over and asks "What was that about?" I smile softly and say "We're together. He said I was his girl, period." I tell her. "You good with that?" she asks. "I am. He's been good to me so far and I feel safe with him. You know when I told him I couldn't be with him because if Chris and told him some of the things that Chris used to tell me, he told me that there wasn't a fucking thing wrong with me and that I was perfect. He's what I need." I say, looking down at my hands. "You're falling hard aren't you?" she asks. "Yeah. I am. Hell, he's making it really hard not to fall in love with him." I say and see her smirk and look over my shoulder. I didn't hear the guys come out of Templo. Creeper walks over and kisses me deeply and whispers "I feel the same way." before pulling me close. Bishop walks over and says "We're going to leave here in a bit and head to your house so that we will be there when he shows up." I nod and Gracie pulls out my keys and hands them to Bishop so they have the keys to get inside. A little while later, it's time to leave and Creeper hasn't left my side. "I'll be back soon. You get tired, go to our room." he tells me. "I will. Please be careful. All of you." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "We will Princess. And when I get back, I'm claiming my Old Lady." he says and I smile softly. He kisses me one more time before turning around to his brothers and saying "That fucker is mine." before they all walk out the door to take care of Chris.

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