Chapter Two

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A hip-hop song blasted through the speakers of the enormous mansion. Jessie walks to the table where the drinks are. This was a bit uncomfortable, considering Diana was the only legal person drinking. Billie squeezes by her and another person causing her to place her hand on Ana's waist for a second. A light rush ran through her body at the sudden contact with the beautiful lady. Now she was left alone at a party, her first party, that was full of teenagers.

"Great..." she muttered to herself. "Just be yourself, Ana." She takes in a deep breath and nods to herself. Diana walked over to the table where the drinks were; she poured herself an old-fashioned. Sure, Ana never drank, but she knew of them. After the first few awful sips, it began to get easier and better. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. But so far, she felt fine. About 20 minutes pass, and Diana decides to sit on the couch. She had another drink in hand.

"Hey, you're new." A man that looks to be Diana's age sits beside her.

"Yeah... also pretty sure the oldest." She replies while taking a sip of her drink.

"Doubt it. How old are you?"

"21. You?"

"21... we are in the same boat, I guess. I'm finneas."


"Wanna get out of here?"

"I'm a lesbian. Sorry." She answered, rolling her eyes internally at his pathetic offer.

"I mean outside," he replied, laughing, and she quickly apologized while nodding. They both began walking outside and realized that almost nobody was out, just a small group.

"So, tell me about yourself?"

"Well, I'm a student at UCLA, junior year. An orphan and a loser."

"Shut up. I can tell you are great."

"Oh really," she replies, laughing. Being with Finneas felt a lot more relaxed and standard than with Jessie. Ana goes to take a drink but sees her cup is empty. "Shoot."

"Let's go get a refill." She nods, and they walk through the crowd and the dance floor. Suddenly an old n sync song begins blasting, and everyone laughs or cheers. Finneas cheers and immediately drags Ana to the dance floor. She lets out a loud laugh letting her head fall as he spins her. They were not noticing a small circle forming. Getting bigger and bigger as Diana and Finneas dance. He turns her and pulls her to his chest; they both laugh loudly people start to clap around them.

"We're giving them a show," he said softly into her ear, and she looked around, smiling at everyone who surrounded them.

"Come on then, Fin," she jokes, and they push their bodies together, making everybody cheer before he spins her around him. Surprising everybody around her, doing good footwork. Slowly the song ends, and everyone cheers. Finneas and Diana high-five each other with both hands laughing. Both of them were so happy, with their adrenaline going wild.

"I should get going." She said with a sad smile; he nodded along.

"I'll drive you." Diana nodded and followed him to wherever he was going. "Bill. Could you give me the car keys? Driving this one home." She looked over and just nodded, then continued to flirt with a guy seemingly. For some reason, that annoyed Diana a lot, which is strange because Diana isn't bugged often. The pair went outside to the familiar car, and she put her address in his phone's GPS.

"I'm sorry you're an orphan. Your parents suck."

"They were killed in a plane accident," Diana replies with raised brows, and Finneas immediately apologizes. "It's okay. They left me a large amount of money when I turned 18. For college, so I know they wanted the best for me."

"That's great, Ana." She turned on the radio, and the pierce the veil song came on. "I love this song!" He shouts and begins to sing the lyrics. Joy coursed through her veins as she sang along. This was incredible—both bopping their heads like psychos to the music. Getting closer to her home, a Queen song came on. Wow, what a great station. They shared a look and sang along proudly.

"She's a killer queen!"

"Can you sing?" He asked, smiling, making a right turn onto her street.

"I'd like to this so." She shrugged as they pulled up to her apartment building.

"Here's my number; call me tomorrow. I wanna hang out." She nods her head rapidly and smiles sweetly.

This was great.

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