Chapter Thirteen

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Giggles filled the room as Billie and I laid together in my hospital bed. Finneas had been gone for an hour now. Billie has told me she liked me and we honestly have done nothing about figuring out what we were. All we had been doing this past hour is kiss. Billie leaned in slowly and pressed another kiss to my lips. No matter how many times we have done this, I always get a rush of happiness.

"Aight. Aight. Lemme get out of here so you can be comfy." She said chuckling to herself before sitting in a chair beside me.

"This is so weird."  I admit with a soft smile playing on my lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Just me and you..." I start and don't even know how to label us. I'm honestly a bit scared to use labels after this. Even though this hour has been pure bliss, there's still the trauma that happened hours before.

"We don't need labels. It's just me and you." She assured me as if knowing exactly what I was thinking about. Her hand laid on top of mine, my eyes just locked on to that. It felt so right to be close to her.

"Me and you" I softly replied, looking back up at her. She smiles gently before kissing my hand as softly as she could. Seconds pass before Finneas walks in holding a bag of food for me. His eyes seemed to be worried as if something just happened. He sits beside Billie and places his hand on my leg.

"What's up fin?" Billie asks before me, beating me to it. He quickly looks at her and then to me.

"It's Tom. He was released on bail..." I see Billie shoot up from her seat and throw her arms around in anger. I knew she was probably going off about this but for some reason, I couldn't hear her. It was silent but a faint ringing in my mind. This crazy motherfucker was free. Just walking around. Like nothing. I could have died. Billie could have died. This was fucking bullshit. The faint ringing began to get louder and louder. My eyes fixated on the end of my bed.

"Diana?" A soft voice asks shakily. I snap out of the daze I was in and turn to the voice. A small gasp escapes my lips.

"Maia." I breathe out. She had a small belly, it didn't seem like she had been sleeping. It looked as if all she had done was cry. Finneas pulls Billie down to sit and she quickly holds onto my hand.

"H-hi. Um. I just I guess I needed to see you in person. To know it's real."

"How are you? And your baby?" Her eyes immediately fill with tears but they widen a bit as if she didn't want to cry in front of me.

"My baby is dead. Thomas killed my child." She blatantly said with her eyes still wide but that didn't stop the tears from falling. "How are you?"

"Like I just got stabbed."

"What happened?" She asked me softly while fiddling with her fingertips.

"He came to my home. Almost killed my animals. Almost killed my family. And stabbed me. You?" I spoke out coldly, it wasn't directed towards her and it did make me feel bad that it came out that way. I just couldn't help it.

"Was asleep. Saw him, we laughed. Then we danced and he looked into my eyes." She walked closer to me and I feel Billie tighten her grip on my hand. "He has the nerve to say. You're in my way. Then he plunged his blade. Into my child." She spoke slowly looking into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Finneas spoke out, Maia looked over at him with a knowing look.

"I am too. Diana, I want to speak with you. Alone please." I nod my head slowly. Billie and Finneas stand almost leaving. Before they do, surprisingly Billie places a kiss on my lips walking out. Maia takes her seat sighing running her hand through her quite beautiful blonde hair. "I'm fucking terrified." She whispered so softly it was barely audible.

"So am I." She looked up at me with such fears in her eyes.

"What the fuck!!" I cry out feeling every bit of pain of the blade in my shoulder. It felt like endless tears from my eyes. I had to keep my eyes open due to the fact that every time I closed them I could see the craziness in his eyes.

"Young woman, stab wound left shoulder-" I began zoning the doctors as the pain was getting to be absolutely too much.

"Yeah! Get this fucking thing out of me!"

"I know you don't know me. But my friends don't care, I just want to know if I can stay with you" my eyes bulge at her question. What the fuck?

"I don't know, I barely know you, Maia."

"I know I know. It's just we both have been through some traumatic shit. By the same fucking prick. So I just thought." She continued talking but my mind was beginning to race.

"I-okay." I give in closing my eyes letting out a sigh.

"Alright. Thanks. Um, I'm going to get your friends." I nod my head, all I was feeling was fucking fear. My nurse walks in with a gentle smile and a clipboard to her chest.

"Hi, honey. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. When can I go?"

"Soon. Tomorrow so that's great huh. Got any plans?" She asks while examining the monitor beside me.

" Besides putting a restraining order on my ex? No. I'm not." She purses her lips and nods before walking out silently. Isn't she going to tell me what she just did? Billie walks in sitting on my bed.

"Heard you leave tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, it's gonna be a blast," I answer sarcastically she laughs softly.

"I have something I want you to hear."

"What is it?"

"A song." My eyebrows rise at her answer and she pulls her phone out.

"What's it called?" She kisses me softly and I will never get used to that feeling. A smile spreads on my lips but she continues to push her lips against my own. She spoke so softly I could barely even hear her.

"Everything I wanted."

hiiii so here is chapter thirteen kind of a filler chapter. ill be updating soon with a bunch of stuff coming soonnn. please vote and comment!!! im not bullshitting you guys when i tell u it motivates me af. also billies new song?? fire. thank u for all the support xx.

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