Chapter Three

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Diana's Point of View.

It was strange. The feeling of having a best friend. That's what Fin was to me, my best friend. This made me incredibly happy to have someone by my side finally. Someone to share secrets with, laugh, cry, and trust. It was so new and refreshing; my life as an orphan wasn't horrible or like a cliche story. It was okay, I would have preferred my parents not to die, but I guess not. Our leader, Sean, grew with me over the years, treating me like his child. I still keep in contact with him, barely. Today I was supposed to be hanging out with Finneas. I cannot believe that I am 21 and just now have two friends. Jessie and Finneas. My phone buzzes slightly on my kitchen island. Dang, I keep the pan with my eggs in my left hand as I open the new message from Fin and Jess.

Hey, I'm going to your place to pick you up, and before we go to the beach, I need to go home. I made some food that won't be ready until we get back.

Lol, okay, what are you wearing so we can match?

LMFAO white shirt and black shorts with air forces


I finished up my eggs and put them into a container to put them into the microwave. I needed to get dressed. Peaches followed me to my room, where Petunia lay carelessly. A small smile spreads, and I slip into a black bikini. After fixing my clothes to match his like we planned yesterday, I went to the kitchen again to wait for Fin - which only took five more minutes. I run out as soon as I get his message to the front door with a wide smile. I'm hanging out with my friend. I see the familiar car and enter the passenger seat, giving him a warm embrace.

"Let's go. I'm super excited," he laughs before turning on the radio. We sing along, dancing in our seats to the music. This is what I had been missing out on—all these years. Before I even realize it, we are parked, and he gets out of the car. It was a beautiful house, very modern, yet had a very welcoming touch. We walk in, and I quietly mutter things to Fin, making him laugh loudly.

"Let's go. Get your food; I'm excited." I say while wrapping my arms around his slim shoulders. He laughs and takes his pizza rolls out. He kneels, and I swiftly jump onto him, causing him to laugh. We hear tiny footsteps, and I try to get down, but he wouldn't let me.

"Fin," I whisper, jokingly trying to wiggle off his back, but he keeps me in place.

"Where y' all going?" A small raspy voice asks; he turns and goes towards the small girl. It was Billie. What the heck was she doing here?

"Beach wanna come?"

"Sure" Fin and I talked all night about our lives; how did she not come up? Were they dating? He grabs a basket, and we walk out, mind you, I am still on his back. He starts to run, and I let out a string of giggles as he does.

"Ah! Fin!"

"Onward!" He shouts and neighs like a horse, making me forget about all of Billie; seriously, what was she here for? He finally puts me down, and I get into the passenger seat. A Green Day song begins to play, and we do our usual singing along. Ten minutes roll by, and we arrive; jumping excitedly, I grab our things. Fin and I smile at each other before racing to a spot under the palm tree. We get situated, and Fin starts to play a song on the speaker he brought.

"I'm going in. Are you coming, doof?" I asked, removing my clothes and leaving me in my simple bikini.

" of course I am," he says in an evident tone before pulling off his clothes; he faces Billie. If I am sincere, I had forgotten she was here. "You are coming, Bill?" She nods and pulls off her shirt revealing her chest that was covered by her bra. Fin and I get a head start on going into the water.

"Fin, who is she?"

"My younger sister"

"Dork, you didn't tell me that last night."

"Oh, oops." He said without a care in the world. We stood at the shore since it was cold. Suddenly, Billie flies by us, yelling, 'Pussies!' and jumping into the water.

"Screw it, let's go." I hold his hand as we run in, immediately regretting it. To get it over with, I dunk my head underwater and swim up. Only Billie was with me; Fin had swum far and was now swimming back.

"Let's pray you aren't some gold digger or slut. If you hurt my brother, I will hurt you, right?" She spat harshly, and just like that, Billie ruined my mood. Before I could reply, Finn had returned; I did not want to be here anymore.

"I remembered I have to do something," I say, walking out, ignoring Finn's calls to me; what the hell did that mean? Why was she so rude? I hadn't done anything wrong, or did I? I have never done this before; I wouldn't know. I grab my clothes quickly, put them on, and, as fast as I can, order an Uber. It hurt my feelings that she would call me a slut or gold digger, I do not like to bring my money into things, but I had more than I knew what to do with. As for slut, I have never even kissed someone, and I am 21 years old. Soon I saw that my Uber had come, and that is when Finn was right behind me. I get in and look at his disappointed look. Maybe I wasn't meant to have friends. Whatever, I guess, if people were this mean, I didn't want any.

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