03, pjm

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Park Jimin knew that lying was a bad thing. He had an entire solo song titled 'Lie' as if to rub in what he was doing now.

Jimin knew his hyungs would freak out.

Jimin knew smuggling Chimmy into the dorm was a terrible idea.

But he did it anyways, and now he felt more guilty than he ever had before.

Jimin had only told Hoseok ("Chimmy is real? This is cool! But kind of weird!"), and Hoseok had agreed to keep Chimmy in the room they shared ("The others are gonna freak out, but Chimmy is so cute!").

Jimin had found Chimmy earlier that rainy week when he was taking the trash out. Chimmy was huddled behind a trash can, hugging himself to keep warm in the cold rain. Jimin had an umbrella, and although he could've just given the umbrella to Chimmy and left, he just couldn't.

He couldn't just leave Chimmy out there in the cold rain, next to a trash can!

Jimin and Hoseok soon learned that only Jimin was able to understand Chimmy because Chimmy spoke the language, well, Chimmy.

One day, Jimin was playing with Chimmy in his room, when Chimmy escaped Jimin's hands, and ran for the door.

"Chimmy! Chimmy, no!" Jimin dashed after him.

Chimmy was surprisingly fast.

"Chimmy, come back! You're gonna get us in trouble. No! Don't go in there!" Jimin hissed. He dove for Chimmy, trying to catch him, but Chimmy scurried into Genius Lab, leaving Jimin on the floor.

Jimin got up and ran into Genius Lab. He knew Yoongi was in there. And he knew this would be the end of Chimmy staying in the dorm.

And to his surprise, he was wrong.

In Genius Lab. he found Yoongi picking Chimmy up and putting him on his desk, next to Tata.

Chimmy had told Jimin how their ship had crashed, and how he had to find his other friends, but Jimin never thought another one of the BT21 characters would be in the dorm.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asked cautiously.

"Jimin, you need to take better care of Chimmy. What if he ran into the kitchen? The others would have seen him, and guessing by the look on your face, you didn't want anyone else to know, but," Yoongi said thoughtfully, "I bet you told Hoseok, considering how you're roommates and you'd have to hide Chimmy in your room, right?"

"Yeah, hyung. But you're not freaked out or anything? You're not mad?"

"Oh, I'm mad. And a bunch of characters coming in from another universe and into the dorm, of course I'm freaked out. But I've already met Tata, and now I've met Chimmy. This only confirms that the other characters are somewhere here in Seoul, too."

"But how can you understand Tata? Only the person who created them can understand," Jimin asked, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, I can't understand Tata, but Taehyung definitely can. Him and Tata are just about best friends."

"Tae knows?" Jimin asked. He thought that Taehyung, being his partner in crime and born in the same year, would've told him that he had found Tata.

"Don't take it personally," Yoongi said, reading Jimin's expression. "I think he was too scared to mention it to anyone else. And plus, it happened early in the morning. I don't think he wanted to wake you. We know you stay up way too late."

Jimin nodded. It didn't matter whether Taehyung had told him first or not. Tata was reunited with Chimmy! And now that Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi all knew that the BT21 characters were here, on earth, they'd be able to team up and get the others.

"Wait," Jimin said. "Does Jungkook know?"

Yoongi shook his head. "We think it might freak him out too much."

Jimin scoffed. "The kid watches horror movies and superhero movies, always talking about how cool it would be if superheroes were real, and you think Tata and Chimmy would freak him out?"

Yoongi tilted his head, considering. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I might ask Tae about telling Jungkook."

"To be honest, I'm surprised that neither Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, or Jungkook have found out yet."

"Now that you said it, they're probably gonna find out. You've jinxed it, kid."

Someone knocked on the door. Jimin looked at Yoongi in panic; what if it was someone who didn't know about the BT21 characters yet?

"Yoongi hyung?" a deep voice asked. Jimin instantly knew it was Taehyung.

"Come in," Yoongi said.

Taehyung opened the door, and walked in with grapes. "I was wondering if—" Taehyung stopped when he noticed Jimin. Then he noticed Chimmy and Tata, who were currently deep in a conversation.

"Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"I found Chimmy, Tae Tae!" Jimin said excitedly.

Taehyung gave Jimin a bear hug. "Thanks, Jiminie! I think Tata was getting a bit bored, and even more worried!"

Jimin laughed, and released himself from the hug. "Hoseok hyung knows too. We can all look for the other characters together."

Taehyung gave Tata the grapes. Then to Jimin and Yoongi, he said, "This is great! Now that we have another one of the characters, we'll be able to reveal them soon! I was thinking—"

"Oh no, Taehyung was thinking," Yoongi snorted.

"Hush, hyung," Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I was thinking—yes, Yoongi hyung, I'm capable of that— maybe we should reveal Tata and Chimmy tomorrow morning?"

"Why tomorrow?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung grinned, like how he usually did when he had a dangerous or mischievous idea. "It'll be impossible for Namjoon and Jin hyung to get us send them away, there's two of them now."

Yoongi frowned. "You have weird logic, kid. But I like it. Jimin here was suggesting we tell Jungkook. Seeing as we're telling Namjoon and Jin hyung tomorrow morning, should we just tell Jungkook at the same time?"

Taehyung shrugged. "Sure."

"I hope this works," Jimin said, his eyes trailing to Tata and Chimmy, who had stopped talking with each other and were listening to the current conversation.

"Of course it will!" Taehyung rubbed his hands together. "What could go wrong?"

That was the one question Jimin didn't want to answer.

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