16, pjm

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"You know what?" Jimin said to Chimmy, who was sitting in his lap, playing with the strings on his hoodie, "I think we're really gonna pull this off, hm? We'll get you guys back soon."

Chimmy nodded absentmindedly. Jimin sighed and examined his room to see if there was anything Chimmy could entertain himself with. Finding nothing, he scooped Chimmy up and carried him outside.

Passing by Taehyung and Tata, he asked, "Do you guys need some help again, or—?"

Taehyung shook his head, and Jimin saw a newfound determination in his eyes.

"No thanks, Jiminie, we got this."

Jimin nodded and headed for the kitchen, when he heard a loud scream.

Rushing inside, Chimmy in his arms, Jimin said in a panicked voice, "Yoongi hyung! Oh my god, what happened, are you—"

"I'm fine," Yoongi said. Jimin ignored the cookie dust on the floor as he focused on Yoongi's next words. "It's not me who screamed."

"What?" Jimin blinked. "Then who—"

Yoongi pointed to the window. "It was him."

Outside the window, standing on the windowsill, was a small cookie.

"Well," said Jimin. "It be like that sometimes."

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