06, jjk

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Jeon Jungkook just wanted some sleep. Was that too much to ask for?

Instead, he woke up to find out that some of the characters they had created had come to life.

What fun.

Okay, maybe he was a little grumpy considering that he had just woken up, but that wasn't exactly his fault.

It took about an hour of being awake to fully comprehend that him and his hyungs were hiding two aliens in the dorm.

Which had to be, in some existing law, illegal.

Taehyung and Jimin were currently sitting on the couch, playing with Tata and Chimmy. Jungkook cautiously approached them. He felt like maybe if he moved too fast, Chimmy and Tata might attack him or something.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

Both Jimin and Taehyung turned their heads and at the same time said, "Yeah?"

"Um, isn't this illegal?"

"Of course it is!" Someone yelled from down the hall. It sounded like Hoseok. "We have two aliens hidden in our dorms, the police are gonna come and we're gonna get arrested and—"

Yoongi, who was sitting on the couch on his phone, yelled, "The police will find us easily if you keep whining so loud! Calm down!"

Yoongi got up and shoved his phone in Jungkook's face.

"I just looked it up, and the internet says nothing about hiding aliens. Probably because no one knows for sure that aliens are real— I mean, no one knew aliens were real until now."

"Chim Chim Chimmy Chim!"

"Chimmy said he'd prefer that you stopped calling him an alien," Jimin translated.

"Besides," Yoongi continued, as if Jimin had never spoken. "It's not like we're going to walk around declaring we found some aliens in the dorm. We're not getting arrested."

Jin entered the room. "And we're lucky we have this two week break, so it'll give us some more time to search for the others. Also, someone please calm Hoseok down, or the police might actually hear him."

Namjoon, who exited the kitchen with an apple in his hand, said, "I'll do it."

Namjoon went down the hall to find Hoseok and calm him down.

"So," Jungkook said. "We're just supposed to hide them here until we find Mang, Cooky, Shooky, Koya, RJ, and their ship, Van? And then we have to find a way to send them back to, um, wherever they came from?"

Yoongi paused, then shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah."

"Wow," Jungkook said dryly. "This is gonna be entertaining."

Jungkook was very right.

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