21, knj

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After Taehyung finished paying up, he and Tata crouched down next to Van. Namjoon drifted closer to them and overheard Taehyung mumbling something to Tata, who nodded. Taehyung turned around and sighed.

"Tata can repair her, but it'll take a few hours at most. She's too big for us to bring back to the dorm, though, so we'll have to do it here."

Namjoon nodded and told the news to the others.

"The dorm's not too far from here," said Hoseok. "We can bring snacks and stuff and stay around for moral support."

So while Taehyung and Tata worked on Van, the others brought snacks and blankets to lie outside on. Namjoon laid down with Koya on his chest, popping a few chips in his mouth. It was getting dark, and Namjoon could see the moon. He smiled at it.

"Done!" Taehyung said loudly, startling Namjoon, who sat up and turned to look at them.

"Tata TATA!" Tata added happily, jumping onto Taehyung's head.

"You guys are done?" Jungkook asked from where he was doing push-ups with Cooky.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah. Now the characters can finally go home."

"But that means..." Hoseok trailed off.

Taehyung gave him a sad smile as he lifted Tata off of his head. "Yeah, we've gotta say goodbye.

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