18, jhs

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Two days had passed, and no other characters had shown up. Hoseok was starting to get a bit frustrated.

Taehyung and Tata had begun doubting their work, Chimmy and Jimin were always biting their nails (did Chimmy have nails?) in anxiety, Shooky and Yoongi were simply quiet, Koya continued sleeping, and Hoseok and Mang were frustrated.

Yeah, it was all going great.

Hoseok tried to stay positive, but with the situation looking hopeless, it was hard.

Currently, he was in the living room with Jungkook, who had finished his boxing practice and was now doing one handed push-ups on the ground.

"Why are you—" Hoseok began.

"I'm bored, hyung."

Hoseok sighed and plopped onto the couch, Mang in his arms.

"What do you think, Mang?" Hoseok asked him. "Do you think we'll find the other characters soon?"

Mang shrugged. "No idea. But I hope so."

"We have a comeback next week," said Jungkook, who was now doing a side plank facing Hoseok. "If we don't find the other characters by then... Do you think we can take them to music shows with us?"

Hoseok laughed. "I don't think—"

He was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it!" Jin's voice rang from the kitchen. Wiping his hands on a towel, he rushed to the door and opened it.

From Hoseok's view, he couldn't see who it was. But Mang did, and jumped out of Hoseok's arms to rush to the door.

"Mang, no!"

Hoseok and Jungkook rushed after him. If whoever was at the door saw Mang, all their efforts to keep this on the down-low would be in vain.

Hoseok turned the corner and froze, Jungkook bumping into him.

At the door was a fluffy white alpaca wearing a red scarf.

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