11, jhs

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Hoseok grinned as Jungkook and Jin finished the "Idol" choreography. He gave them a thumbs up. "That was great! I think when the others join us for the next practice, we'll have it down."

Jin, breathing heavily, muttered, "Can we go over the chorus for 'I'm Fine' again? I think I'm a bit rusty on that."

Jungkook, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, nodded in agreement. "Same here."

Hoseok checked his watch. "Yeah, we should have enough time-"

A loud crash from somewhere inside the building stopped Hoseok from finishing his sentence. He turned slowly to Jungkook and Jin, who both had identical looks of confusion on their faces. Sometimes, Hoseok wondered if they were secretly twins.

Jin stared cautiously at the door. "W-what was that?"

"A staff member?" Hoseok suggested hopefully.

Jungkook shook his head slowly. "No, it couldn't have been- hyungs, we're the only ones here."

Hoseok's heart started beating faster. And his heart practically jumped into his throat when Jungkook made his way to the door.

"Jungkook! What are you doing?"

Turning around, Jungkook said, "Don't you wanna know what made that noise?"

Jin swallowed. "Can't we just, I dunno, go back to the dorm?"

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook said, "And of course, I got stuck with the scaredy cats."

"Hey!" Jin protested. "Not everyone watches horror movies, Kookie."

Shrugging, Jungkook said, "Well, are you coming with me, or should I go by myself-"

"No!" Hoseok yelled. Jungkook raised his eyebrows. Hoseok cleared his throat and said, "No, we're coming with you. Right, Jin hyung?"


Jin and Hoseok trailed behind Jungkook into the hallway. Jungkook walked at a normal pace, while Hoseok and Jin slowed down behind him. Hoseok pushed Jin in front of him. "You stay in front of me."

"What? No way!" Jin moved back behind Hoseok, so Hoseok was in between Jungkook and Jin. "You're staying in front of me."

"You're the eldest!"

"I'm too old for this!"

Jungkook stopped abruptly, causing Hoseok to walk into him. Jungkook cleared his throat. "Okay, first, wow, Jin hyung finally admitted that he's old-"

"-I didn't mean-"

"- and second, you two need to man up and stop trying to sacrifice each other-"

"We weren't-" Hoseok started.

"- and third, I think I know where the sound came from."

Jungkook paused. When Hoseok realized the maknae wouldn't tell unless he was asked, he rolled his eyes and said, "And where exactly did the sound come from?"

Jungkook snapped his fingers and pointed at Hoseok. "I'm so glad you asked, hyung! It came from that small storage room down the hall."

Jungkook pointed to a door ten feet away. "And now, we will venture into that storage room, and unlock the secrets of this ominous building!"

Jin said shakily, "You're not making us any less scared."

"I know!" Jungkook smiled innocently. "That was the point, hyung! Now, come on."

Jungkook strode confidently down the hall towards the storage room, while Hoseok and Jin followed quickly, not wanting to be left behind.

Jungkook put his hand on the handle, and Jin muttered, "Don't you dare die on me, Jeon."

Jungkook chuckled and swung open the door. He walked in, and clicked the light-switch on. The room flooded with light. There were rags and buckets, and mops and brooms. Extra chairs and props, and some old Halloween costumes. It was a regular storage room. Nothing 'ominous' about it.

Hoseok was about to say that maybe nothing was here, when Jungkook yelled (and it was at that moment that Hoseok regretted everything), "Hello? Anyone here? We come in peace!"

"What the literal hell, Jeon?" Hoseok hissed. "Do you have a death wish?"

Jungkook walked farther into the room, and Hoseok and Jin stayed in the doorway, clinging to each other's shirts.

A sound, something that sounded like an animal, came from behind a large bucket. Said animal then fell into view.

Hoseok's eyes widened. "Mang?"

Mang squeaked something Hoseok couldn't hear and tried to hide behind the bucket again.

Jungkook lowered himself onto his knees, reached out with his hands, and said softly, "Hey, Mang. Come on out; it's okay, we won't hurt you."

Mang peaked out from behind the bucket and made a small step towards Jungkook. Hoseok was surprised by how gentle the maknae sounded.

"Come on, boy, it's okay- ow!"

Jungkook fell backwards, his hands covering his nose. Hoseok and Jin rushed to him. Jungkook took his hands away from his nose, to show his now blood covered palms and the blood running down his chin. "He roundhouse kicked me!"

Hoseok cringed at the sight of Jungkook's bloody nose.. "We- we should get something to hold against your nose."

Jungkook bundled up his shirt and held it to his nose.

"Jungkook," Hoseok said, "Your shirt is white."

The blood was now staining his shirt. Jungkook shrugged and said through the fabric, "I got loads of white shirts. It's okay."

Jin examined Jungkook's face. Then he asked, "Does your nose feel out of place, crooked, or swollen?"

"Um, no."

"Great, so it's not broken. Now, on a scale of one to ten, how much does it hurt?"

"I dunno, maybe a three?" Jungkook shrugged.

Jin hummed. "Considering you have a high pain tolerance, for any regular person, that would be about a four or five."

"I am a regular person-"

Jin turned to Hoseok and said, "You have to get Mang. You can understand him, unlike us. He might listen to you better since you created him."

Hoseok nodded, and stood up, leaving Jin and Jungkook sitting on the ground. Hoseok looked at Mang, who was staring guiltily at Jungkook. Mang then turned his attention to Hoseok.

"Okay," Hoseok started, mustering up all his courage. "We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."

(They ended up doing it the easy way.)

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