18. Playing the Part

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Ock had once been a giant of a man, standing a good head taller than even the tallest of men; he had large broad shoulders and a barrel-like chest. At the present stooped with age, he was hunched over, now even in height with the men he used to tower over, giving him a hunch-backed appearance. His skin was brown and leathery, evidence of years spent in the sun. His neck, chest and arms were covered with a thick carpet of salt and pepper hair, which at one time had been black. He had a wild bushy beard that covered the sagging skin on his face. This too would be gray but he would blacken it with coals from the fire pit, at times rubbing off in spots, giving him a strange mottled appearance. He had the demeanor of a grizzled old bear.

The dozing innkeeper let out a grumpy curse as he was shaken awake by a panicked maid. "Sir!" she squeaked. Ock shoved the distraught maid roughly before catching sight of a distinguished couple. The gruff man stood abruptly, knocking his crude stool to the floor. He ran a hand through his greasy hair before patting it clumsily into place.

The pair before him wore rich garbs and his hard eyes gleamed with the thought of new gold lining his pocket. A handsome foreign Lord held the arm of a beautiful young foreign woman, with startling violet eyes and russet locks piled artistically on her noble head. She stepped forward, almost shyly and inquired of a private table for the two of them. "Of course, milady" he ground out.

Ock led his esteemed guests to the private dining area and scuttled into the kitchen yelling at the lackluster girls before the hearth. "Get some wine and food out here!" Two girls sprung to their feet and rushed about the kitchen. Cursing, he grabbed the tableware and rejoined his important guests. "Will you be needing rooms for the night, milord?" he inquired hopefully. A small frown grew on the young woman's face and her companion inquired after some wine.

The innkeeper scraped a quick bow. "My apologies, m'lord." He quickly stumbled back into the kitchen. "You lazy little wenches, where be the wine!" he screamed. The girls ducked his shaking fists, bearing trays of fresh bread, cheese and wine. Turning about quickly he followed on their heels, only to smack into them. The smaller girl's tray crashed to the ground, shattering. She stared at the noblewoman dumbfounded. The second gangly maid barely held on to her tray as Ock knocked into her.

"You useless- clean it up!" he screamed at the frozen girl. Shoving the tall, fumbling maid out of his way, he bore down on the first. Raising his hand to strike, a voice cut through his rage filled mind.


Ock stumbled to a halt before his patrons. The Lady stood, her eyes blazing in his direction. "Forgive me, Milady, I will have this mess out of sight in but a moment." He hauled the serving girl by her collar.

"Enough!" the noblewoman cried again. This time she came around the table pointing a long jeweled finger at him. "Bring us more wine!" she ordered imperiously of him. "I'll not have you damaging her in my sight." His mouth clamped shut to prevent the derogatory insults he direly wished to utter from forming and he stormed from the room in search of wine.

Letty stood before her friend in disbelief. "Si?" she whispered tremulously. The transformed woman before her smiled and enveloped her in a tight and desperate embrace. Beatrice flew across the room to join in the reunion. Tears sprang to their eyes as they grasped each other tightly, afraid to let go. "Saints be praised, we thought you were dead!" Bea sobbed into Sirena's shoulder.

Their long lost friend whispered to them urgently. "It's time for you to leave here. I want you to come with me." Letty and Beatrice stared at their friend uncomprehending. "Come away with me! I can get you out; you will have a much better life away from here." Sirena quickly returned to her seat as she heard Ock's heavy footsteps returning. The girls rushed to serve Sirena and the Lord at her side, resuming the ruse.

The Forgotten Crown (2019)  Book 1 of The Broken Crown SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now